Articles liés à How Come the Best Clues Are Always in the Garbage?

How Come the Best Clues Are Always in the Garbage? - Couverture rigide

9780613876537: How Come the Best Clues Are Always in the Garbage?

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Revue de presse

How Come the Best Clues are Always in the Garbage? Is a fast-paced read combining mystery à la Encyclopedia Brown and The Great Brain with contemporary issues.―Quill & Quire

Stevie is another resourceful character. She gets into scrapes, which are humorously written, then gets herself out again.―The Chronicle-Herald

Présentation de l'éditeur

Stevie Diamond and her friend Jesse have a thief to catch. A thousand dollars is missing from her mother's apartment and although there are lots of suspects, there aren't very many clues. A worthy challenge for Stevie Diamond, Detective! Set in Vancouver, the very first Stevie Diamond Mystery is a funny and entertaining read.

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ISBN 10 0613876539
  • ISBN 13 9780613876537
  • ReliureRelié

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