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Allison Hawn was born in Idaho and has spent her life obtaining adventures. The daughter of a musician, she was brought up all over the United States with occasional dalliances into foreign lands. She holds a degree in psychology from Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho, where she also had a weekly humor column with a small time newspaper "The Crusader." "Life is a Circus Run by a Platypus" is her first creative published work. Her second book, "Life is a Pirate Ship Run by a Velociraptor" is due to be released through Sweatshoppe Publications later this year. She currently resides in Spokane, Washington, where she works with the homeless, domestic violence victims, and other disenfranchised populations, but calls a myriad of locations home.
Life is never boring when you’re a human magnet for the bizarre. For Allison Hawn, owning a cursed car, being attacked by a man wielding a foam sword, or having to battle an evil pony could manifest on any day ending in “y.” These truly hilarious tales provide both bookworms and casual glimpsers with important life lessons, such as what to do if a woman dressed as a cat refuses to get off the roof of your vehicle. You’re welcome.
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