American public this book, written by the A ustro-H ungarian consul inC leveland, on certain vital phases of the struggle which is convulsing Europe, The reader will find in these chapters a comprehensive presentation of the political forces and historical developments which led to the initial clash of arms. This volume contains authentic information about theN ear East, a region so little known in the United States; it offers a graphic description of conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the two Austrian provinces coveted byS ervia, and throws an illuminating light upon the real, the underlying, causes of the world-conflict. These causes I may be permitted to summarize in concise form. It should be borne clearly in mind at the outset that for more than a century A ustria-H ungary andR ussia have been keen rivals in theB alkan Peninsula. Owing to its geographical position theD ual Monarchy is the predominant economic factor inS outheastern Europe, and in the course of her commercial expansion has sought, quite naturally, to secure a market for the output of her industries inS ervia, Bulgaria andE uropean Turkey.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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Vendeur : Forgotten Books, London, Royaume-Uni
Paperback. Etat : New. Print on Demand. This book provides an accessible account of the Austro-Hungarian perspective of the outset of World War I, which the author describes as a conflict forced upon the nation. The narrative is based on historical research and documents that lay bare the author's belief that other countries plotted against Austro-Hungarian peace. The author presents evidence to argue that the Entente Powers instigated and supported Serbia's actions against Austria-Hungary. The book delves into the political climate and diplomatic negotiations leading up to the war, examining the role of major players such as Russia, France, and Germany. It also highlights the experiences and patriotic fervor of the Austro-Hungarian people as they rallied to support their nation. By bringing together historical documents and personal observations, this book sheds light on the complexities and controversies surrounding the start of the First World War. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work, digitally reconstructed using state-of-the-art technology to preserve the original format. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in the book. The digital edition of all books may be viewed on our website before purchase. print-on-demand item. N° de réf. du vendeur 9781330205907_0
Quantité disponible : Plus de 20 disponibles
Vendeur : US, Wood Dale, IL, Etats-Unis
PAP. Etat : New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000. N° de réf. du vendeur LW-9781330205907
Quantité disponible : 15 disponible(s)
Vendeur : UK, Fairford, GLOS, Royaume-Uni
PAP. Etat : New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000. N° de réf. du vendeur LW-9781330205907
Quantité disponible : 15 disponible(s)