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In the online universe of bloggers, a group of women coalesced around their common work as pastors. Many of them were pioneers - they'd left the denominations of their childhoods to follow Jesus; they'd taken risks and talked about that story in the news no one wanted to hear connected to the Gospel; they'd been the first woman to serve a church or the first mum. Deep relationships formed in the writing and sharing of their stories of ministry in the pulpit, through the sacraments, outside the church walls, in their homes, in holy moments and at times when they wondered why they don't teach plumbing in seminary.
This collection captures and expands that fierce and faithful bond, offering insight into the lives of Christian clergywomen and the rigours that come with commitment to religious life. Over fifty contributors represent fourteen denominations, as well as dozens of seminaries and colleges. They come from twenty-five US states as well as Canada and the United Kingdom. Their churches are large and small, liturgical and not, urban and rural. They serve as chaplains, in specialised ministries and through their writing. Their backgrounds are as diverse as their approaches to ministry - single, married, divorced, widowed; some in clergy couples; gay and straight, bi- and transgender; parents and not; ranging in ages from 20-something to 70-something.
Intended for laypeople, women discerning a call to ministry and clergy of all levels of experience, these stories and prayers will resonate, challenge, inform, inspire and amuse anyone who has a passion for the work and the faith that they love.
Rev. Martha Spong, who has devoted her life to fostering community and helping churches work through transitions by intentional interim ministry, is a United Church of Christ pastor. She is director and active member of RevGalBlogPals, a social media ministry making community for clergywomen across lines of denomination, generation, nation and orientation since 2005.
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