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North, Anna The Life and Death of Sophie Stark ISBN 13 : 9781474601245

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9781474601245: The Life and Death of Sophie Stark

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When Sophie first saw me, I was onstage. This girl Irina who I lived with at the time had organized a storytelling series at a bar in Bushwick, and after a couple weeks of watching I decided I wanted to tell a story too. I wasn’t like the other kids in the house; I’d never assumed I’d be an actor or a writer or anything creative. When I was growing up, everybody figured I’d stay in Burnsville, West Virginia, and have some kids. But there I was in New York and for ten minutes I could make people listen to me and treat me like I was important. The theme that week was “scary camping stories.” I was wearing my only pretty dress, a blue halter with a full skirt that I’d bought for seven dollars at a vintage store, and I got up onstage after some girl talked for twenty minutes about seeing a possum. Here’s the story I told, the one that started everything for Sophie and me.
My school had some good kids, Christian kids, kids who got married at eighteen before they started popping out babies. But my family was one hundred percent trash for five generations back, and I didn’t fit in real well with the church crowd. Instead I used to hang out with this guy named Bean.
Bean was a couple years older than me, and he’d dropped out of high school to sell weed, and he made enough money to rent half a run-down old farmhouse outside of town. He was nice—he always shared his weed, especially with girls, and he’d give me a place to stay when things got bad at home. But he had an edge to him—his dad was a Marine and he had taught Bean this trick where you snap someone’s neck in a single motion. And Bean always made you feel like you were so cool, part of this secret club with just him, and you wanted to do exactly what he said so you could be in the club forever.
I never saw a girl turn Bean down until he decided he was into Stacey Ashton. Stacey was my only friend who was a good girl. She was in the French club and she didn’t smoke weed and she wanted to go to Emory someday—she had a sweatshirt from there and everything.
Maybe that’s why Bean liked her, because she was so different. But she wasn’t interested. He’d go up to her at a party and she’d just be polite and then turn away, talk to some other guy. It made Bean really angry. I’d never seen him mad before—things usually went so well for him. But now every time Stacey turned her back on him, he got that look on his face like pressure building up.
Bean convinced me to talk to Stacey for him—he said maybe she’d go out with him if we double-dated. I didn’t like the weird, angry Bean, and I wanted to bring the happy one back. Plus, he promised me an eighth of weed. Stacey wasn’t easy to sway—she kept saying he creeped her out, there was something off about him. I said she was crazy, everybody loved him—anyway, me and Tommy, this guy I was sort of dating, would be there the whole time. Finally I told her that if she didn’t have fun, I’d buy her these butterfly earrings she liked at the mall. Stacey loved all that girly shit.
So Bean showed up that Friday and him and Stacey and me and Tommy drove to the campground where we usually went to drink and make out without anybody bothering us. There had been a lot of stories about this serial killer that summer, not in our area but in Virginia and North Carolina. He used a bowie knife to kill his victims, mostly girls in their teens or twenties. The paper called him “The Charlottesville Stabber,” but we called him “Stabby,” and whenever we went out in the woods, we’d tease each other that Stabby was going to get us. On the car ride I kept poking Stacey in the ribs to make her shriek, and then I’d yell “Stabby!” When we got there, we roasted hot dogs and drank beer and had a good time, and I could tell Stacey was kind of loosening up. Bean moved closer to her, and she didn’t move away, and then he put his arm around her, and she didn’t stop him. The night got colder, and she actually snuggled up against him a little bit. Then Bean winked at me, and I turned and started kissing Tommy, and I heard Bean say, “Let’s go for a walk and give them a little privacy.” Then I heard them both walk off toward the creek.
I didn’t love Tommy but I liked fucking him, and since we both lived in houses full of kids and stepdads we were pretty used to doing it on the ground at the campsite or in the backs of pick-up trucks or on football fields or wherever we could get a minute to ourselves. So we were all sweaty and happy and pulling on our clothes when Bean came walking out of the bushes by himself with a look on his face I’d never seen before.
“We need to leave,” he said.
“Why?” I asked. “What’s the matter? Where’s Stacey?”
“She went off to pee,” he said, “and then I couldn’t find her. I called and called. I looked all over.”
“We can’t just leave,” I said.
I started calling Stacey’s name.
Bean took my arm. He looked at me, and I saw fear in his eyes for the first time.
“I think we need to get the police,” he said. “I mean, I’m sure she just got lost or something, but in case . . .”
He trailed off, but I knew what he meant. None of us wanted to bring up the Stabber’s silly nickname. I told Bean to give me another minute, and I walked just a few steps outside the campsite, but I started to get scared, and we all drove to the police station where we told our stories to Officer Gray, who spent most of his time breaking up our parties or arresting my stepdad when he tried to drive home drunk from Red’s on a Tuesday night.
The police searched with dogs for miles around the campsite, but they didn’t find her body. Sometimes a thing like that brings people together, but this just blew the three of us apart. Tommy and I didn’t hook up anymore after that night. Bean didn’t come to high school parties anymore, and then he moved away without telling anybody or saying good-bye. The Stabber killed another victim, this one in South Carolina. I felt the joy drain out of me. I dropped out of high school, left my sisters and my brother to fend for themselves, and took a job waiting tables at a pasta restaurant in Charlottesville.
I’d been working there about six months when I saw in the news that they’d found Stacey’s body. She’d washed up on the shore of Moncove Lake, about a half mile from the campsite. The police said it was probably the work of the Stabber, since Stacey fit the profile of his other victims. But they noticed a change in his MO—Stacey’s neck had been snapped.
Another year passed. I turned twenty. I was just marking time in my life. And then—I remember it was a Friday, the restaurant was crowded with students ordering carafes of our gross wine—he showed up. He had a woman with him, a pretty, thin girl with strawberry-blond hair. She was well dressed, well cared for, nice skin and expensive shoes. She looked the way people look at that time in their relationship when they’re absolutely sure the other person loves them and they haven’t started to love that person any less yet. The hostess seated them at one of my tables, and I went to take their drink orders. I didn’t even think about running away. I wanted to see what Bean ordered, what his girlfriend’s voice sounded like. It was more than curiosity—as I walked over, I had the feeling of finishing something.
And then he saw me, and we looked right at each other for just a moment, and he didn’t look frightened all. His face had no expression on it. For a second I thought he might pretend not to know me, but instead he smiled wide and said, “Allison! It’s been forever.”
“It has,” I said. I didn’t know what to say next. I hadn’t thought beyond walking up to the table, looking at Bean, and seeing what he did.
“Allison was my best friend back in Burnsville. Allison, this is my fiancée, Sarah Beth.”
Sarah Beth extended her hand and I saw the ring sparkling on the other one. Bean had come up in the world. He was wearing a sweater and a collared shirt. He looked like he had stopped dealing drugs.
“What are you doing here?” I asked him.
“Sarah Beth and I just bought a house in Sunflower Court,” he said. “I’m working at Alton Kenney.”
Alton Kenney was the biggest real-estate agency in Charlottesville. I looked at Sarah Beth and then back at Bean and thought: rich father-in-law, job, house, wife, life. I wasn’t disgusted—I just felt like I’d slipped into some other universe, one that had even less justice than the one I’d grown up in. I felt like I was moving through water. I took their drink orders and told them about our specials and even remembered to smile. Bean smiled back. I went back and got the drinks—white wine for her, red for him— and I took their meal orders and brought them their pasta, and then I went in the kitchen and stood for a minute staring at the wall.
That’s when Bean found me. He touched my elbow—not hard, not a grab, just a tap—and he asked me if I’d come outside with him for a minute. I thought about whether he would kill me too, just snap my neck the way he’d snapped hers, but I didn’t think he’d do that with his fiancée so close, sipping her wine and thinking he was normal. And I wanted to hear what he had to say. I let him lead me out to the parking lot.
“You know why I wasn’t surprised to see you?” he asked. “Why?”
I kept my back against the kitchen door so I could let myself in quickly if I needed to.
“Because I’ve been keeping track of you. I knew when you moved here, and I knew where you worked, and I came here to see you.”
“Why?” I asked again.
“Because I wanted you to know that I can always find you.” And then he reached behind me and opened the door and went back inside.
That was three years ago. I quit that job, I changed my name, I moved here. But I still check behind me every time I let myself in my apartment. I still have a panic attack every time I see someone his height, his build. I’ve never told anyone this story before. I guess I keep hoping I’ll forget it, but I never do.
After I finished, everyone applauded. A blond girl with perfect teeth came up to tell me how great I was. A guy who said he had a magazine gave me a homemade business card and told me to send my story to him. I was sleeping with this guy Barber at the time, who was in a band and who everyone thought was going places, and he put his arm around me and kissed me on the head and said, “That was so powerful, dude.”
Sophie waited until I was alone—Barber and Irina had gone off to get drinks when she came over. She was tiny, wearing a boy’s button-down shirt and jeans rolled up above scrawny ankles. Her hair was slicked back and her face was pale, pointy, wide-eyed. She looked about sixteen years old.
“That’s not a true story,” was the first thing she said to me. “Is it?”

Revue de presse

THIS YEAR'S BLOCKBUSTER. If the Girl on the Train was the woman of 2015, then Sophie Stark is this year's model... Out now - soon every girl on every train will be reading it. (SUNDAY TIMES STYLE)

Thriller-paced, with mysteries revealed at every turn. The great mystery at the centre is Sophie Stark, a totally unforgettable female anti-hero who conforms to absolutely none of our expectations and suffers deeply for it (Lena Dunham)

I read THE LIFE AND DEATH OF SOPHIE STARK with my heart in my mouth. Not only a dissection of genius and the havoc it can wreak, but also a thunderously good story. (Emma Donoghue)

Anna North is a natural, butter-smooth storyteller, and The Life and Death of Sophie Stark is an elegant, kaleidoscopic look at a challenging artist and at the way our lives are, in some respects, only silhouettes made from the perceptions of those who know us. (Maggie Shipstead, author of SEATING ARRANGEMENTS)

Do not miss Anna North's fascinating study of one woman told from different viewpoints in THE LIFE AND DEATH OF SOPHIE STARK. (STYLIST MAGAZINE)

Anna North's The Life and Death of Sophie Stark is a captivating portrait of the artist as a young woman. It's a story that examines the notion of artistic legacy and meditates on the ethics involved in film-making and



The year's must read. (GLAMOUR)

Told from the perspective of six people whose lives were irrevocably shaped by Sophie Stark, the second novel from New York Times journalist Anna North is both a complex examination of the price of genius and an unputdownable page-turner. Jennifer Egan, look out. You have competition. (THE POOL)

Jennifer Egan, eat your heart out (Sam Baker)

In alternating chapters of this involving novel, Sophie's brother, ex-lover, a crush and a film critic give their versions of the truth, and reveal the high cost of a living a life dedicated to art. (PSYCHOLOGIES)

Unfolds with pace and intrigue, creating a highly readable portrait of an artist through the eyes of those she loved, used, immortalised and damaged (Cathy Rentzenbrink Bookseller)

This hotly tipped U.S. debut is tremendously good... A beautifully-told novel about a singular woman and the slippery power of art to simultaneously reveal and obscure a multiplicity of stories. (DAILY MAIL)

Sophie Stark is a cleverly assembled work that examines the maniacal devotion it takes to create art. It's also a fun dive into the world of movie-making, and a character study that will move you to tears. (HUFFINGTON POST)

Bold and enthralling (Buzzfeed)

Fierce, page-turning (Marie Claire US)

Provocative . . . North's prose is as skilful as her protagonist's shot list (New York Times)

Sophie Stark is one of the most unusual books I've ever read. I was immediately hooked on brilliantly drawn characters and such a clever structure. I absolutely loved it and was so moved at the end I was left feeling kind of numb (Isy Suttie)

The brilliant and infuriating Sophie Stark makes films said to be "more like life than life itself", but her genius comes at a terrible cost to her husband, to the brother she left behind, and to an actress who knows too much.THE LIFE AND DEATH OF SOPHIE STARK is the story of an enigmatic film director, told by the six people who loved her most. (BUZZFEED)

Hotly tipped Brooklyn-based author and New York Times journalist Anna North has been making waves in the US with this book, with the likes of Lena Dunham among its fans. It's the story of idiosyncratic documentary filmmaker Sophie Stark, told at thriller-pace by six people who loved her most. (BIG ISSUE)

This richly realised first novel gives us multiple perspectives on its elusive protagonist... Gripping and graceful (THE GUARDIAN)

Anna North has delivered a smart, sweet, sad and tender novel exploring the power of love and the nature of artistic vision and legacy. (DIVA MAGAZINE)

Lena Dunham is massively into this hotly tipped US novel and so am I... Part musing on fame and identity, part thriller, it's one of those books that pervades your thoughts long after the end (Glamour)

Told by different narrators, The Life and Death of Sophie Stark is one of the big books of 2016 (Stylist)

MAKING AN ENTRANCE: STUNNING DEBUTS FROM THE LITERARY WORLD'S NEW POWER PLAYERS: 'Memories of a powerful woman told by the six people who loved her most' (Elle)

The world is crackling with electric praise for Anna North's new novel (GRAZIA)

It's a completely compelling read that asks whether broken hearts and ruined relationships are prices worth paying in the name of creativity. (SUNDAY EXPRESS)

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurWeidenfeld & Nicolson
  • Date d'édition2015
  • ISBN 10 1474601243
  • ISBN 13 9781474601245
  • ReliureBroché
  • Nombre de pages320

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