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Black, Cara Murder on the Quai ISBN 13 : 9781616958084

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9781616958084: Murder on the Quai
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Paris · November 9, 1989 · Thursday Night
Standing outside the Michelin-starred restaurant, a stone’s throw from the Champs-Élysées, the old man patted his stomach. The dark glass dome of the Grand Palais loomed ahead over the bare-branched trees. To his right, the circular nineteenth-century Théâtre Marigny.
     “Non, non, if I don’t walk home I’ll regret it tomorrow.” He waved off his two drunken friends, men he’d known since his childhood in the village, as they laughingly fell into a taxi. Course had followed course; remembering the caviar-dotted lobster in a rich velouté sauce topped off by Courvoisier brandy, he rubbed his stomach again as he waved goodnight to the departing taxi. His belly was taut with discomfort; he needed to stretch it out before bed. Besides, he always enjoyed the walk home to his place on Place François Premier. Even now, after all these years, pride swelled in his chest that he had secured himself an address in le triangle d’or, the golden triangle, the most exclusive quartier in Paris. The thrill of living among the mansions and hôtels de luxe between avenues Montaigne, George V, and the Champs-Élysées never got old to him.
     He looped his silk scarf tight, took a deep breath of the piercing chill November night. Belched. The born farmer in him sensed tonight would bring frost—a crinkled frost that would melt on the grey cobbles like tears. In the village, it would have been a hoarfrost blanketing the earth like lace.
     He looked over his shoulder—force of habit—with vigilance that hadn’t diminished in forty years. They were always so careful, so scrupulous about the details, took precautions—yet Bruno’s murder had scared them all. Made them wonder at the implications. Could it be . . . ? But a month passed and nothing. Were they safe?
     Not totally safe, not until the final trust document was rubber-stamped tomorrow. But that was only a formality. Nothing would go wrong this late in the game. He knew that—they all did.
     Yet why had he woken up shouting in his sleep last night? Why did Philbert’s dentures grind so at dinner, and why did Alain drink a whole bottle of wine himself?
     Brown leaves gusted against his ankles. On his right a blurred Arc de Triomphe glowed like a painting on a postage stamp farther down the Champs-Élysées. He kept a brisk pace, got his blood flowing, warmed up. He was fit as a fiddle, his doctor said, his heart like that of a man twenty years younger. A couple passed, huddling together in the cold.
     Walking under the barren trees by the Grand Palais, he became aware of footsteps behind him. The footsteps stopped when he did. But as he turned at the intersection in front of the zebra crossing, he saw no one.
     Nerves. The light turned green. He crossed. Midway down the next block he heard the footsteps again. Turned.
      “Who’s there?”
     Only a dark hedgerow, shadows cast from trees. Unease prickled the hairs on his neck. He walked faster now, looking for a taxi. Silly, he lived two blocks away, but he never ignored a feeling like this. Each taxi passed with a red light crowning the roof: occupied.
     Stupid—why hadn’t he taken the taxi with the others? Kept to their protocol of precautions? His meal, rich in cream, sat in his stomach like a dead weight.
     Every time he heard the footsteps, he turned and saw no one.
     Paranoid, or was he losing his mind? Or was the brandy heightening sensations and dulling his reflexes?
     Then a taxi with a green light slowed. He waved it down. Thank God.
      “Merci,” he said, shutting the taxi’s door, breathing heavily.
      “I’m only supposed to stop at the taxi stand, monsieur.”
      “Then I’ll make it worth your while in appreciation.”
     He gave the address.
      “But that’s only two blocks from here.”
      “Consider your fare doubled, monsieur.”
     The taxi pulled away from the curb. He asked the driver to close his window.
     But the driver ignored him. And turned toward the river. Not the way home at all.
     Ahead, streetlamps rimmed the quai, their globes of light reflecting yellow shimmers on the moving Seine. His heavy insides curdled.
      “You’re going the wrong way.”
     The taxi accelerated, throwing him against the back of the seat.
      “Stop.” He tried the handle. Locked.
     Afraid now, he pounded the plastic partition and tried reaching for the driver’s shoulder. The wheels rumbled down a cobblestoned ramp.
      “Let me out.”
     He didn’t even realize where they were until the taxi stopped. The taxi had lurched to a halt below the Pont des Invalides, nestled in the shadow of its arch support. Mist floated over the Seine, the gurgling water swollen by early November rain.
     And then the door opened and before he could defend himself, his arms were pulled behind him. “Take my money, just take what you want.”
      “You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?” said a voice.
     He gasped. “Please, let me go.”
      “Don’t you remember the river?”
     Panic flooded him. “Non, non. You must understand—it wasn’t supposed to happen . . . We can make it right.”
      “Liar. Payback time.”
     A rag was stuffed into his screaming mouth. His bile rose and all the rich food lodged in his gullet, choking him.
      “You remember, don’t you? It’s your turn now.”
     He was shoved to the edge of the quai and down into a squat. Through his blinding terror he saw one of his shoes fall into the water below. The lapping waves from a receding barge and the faint rhythm of faraway car horns masked his cry of pain. Even the lit globes of the sodium lamps faded into the mist on the cloud-blanketed night.
      “How does it feel?” a voice hissed.
     But he couldn’t answer as the sour-tasting gag tightened across his mouth. His tied hands gripped and flailed. He couldn’t breathe.
     It wasn’t supposed to happen that way.
     The shot to the back of his head was muffled by the plastic Vichy bottle used as a silencer and the rumble of the traffic overhead.
Paris · November 10, 1989 · Friday Afternoon
Aimée Leduc gazed in horror at the mess in her test tube in the école de médecine lab. Her experiment ruined. Again.
      She held the tube to her nose and sniffed. Bleach. Someone had sabotaged her work. Probably one of her twelve fellow premed lab mates—all of them under twenty, like Aimée; all of them male.
      The professor was heading her way.
       “This is the second time this month, Serge,” she said, panicked.
       “Didn’t I warn you?” said Serge, an upper-class lab assistant, lowering his voice. “Around here you have to guard your tubes and petri dishes with your life. It happens.”
      Yes, but that didn’t make it fair. She wanted to shout, to accuse someone. It was well known that only 15 percent of students would be allowed back for the second year. The cutthroat competition led some students to sabotage others just to stay in the running.
       “Don’t forget this assignment goes toward your semester grade,” Dr. Fabre, their instructor, was saying as the lab emptied.
      What could she do?
      She liked Dr. Fabre, an older man with tortoiseshell glasses and a slight stoop. His lectures had a strange but appealing energy. Now he asked, “A problem, Mademoiselle Leduc?”
       “Someone poured bleach in my test tube . . .” Merde. She didn’t want him to think she was the type to whine.
      Dr. Fabre shook his head. “No other students had this issue. Do you expect special treatment? Instead of blaming your errors on others, check your notes.”
       “But Dr. Fabre, you can smell it . . .”
       “So you say, Mademoiselle Leduc. But if it means so much, you should have watched your work more carefully. Perhaps slept here. I did in my premed days.”
      No sympathy here. They wanted to be doctors and help people—why not start with themselves?
      She could cope with grueling exams, reports, and all-night studying. But this? She bit her lip, determined not to cry. “Professor, would you please let me redo the experiment? I’ll have the results by tomorrow morning.”
       “I’ve got four classes to grade and my schedule’s full. It’s not fair to the others, mademoiselle.”
      Or to her, but it seemed that didn’t matter.
       “Let me warn you,” he said. “We expect the best. Despite the promise you’ve shown, you’re a candidate for the suspension list. Consider this a formal warning.”
      Her heart dropped. “There must be a mistake.” She riffled through her bag and pulled out her notebook, where she kept duplicates of her assignments and grades. The same notebook with the surveillance case notes she’d been transcribing for her father. “Sir, I scored in the top ten percentile, and I turned in all my assignments.”
      Dr. Fabre shook his head. “As so have many others. I can’t make exceptions.”
      She managed a nod before she humiliated herself further, and to refrain from kicking the door as he exited.
      She rolled up her lab coat sleeves and cleaned the lab in the coffee-colored light of the dank November afternoon. It was her turn to be the first-year grunt. At the faucet she scrubbed her hands with carbolic soap, trying to figure out what to do. The formaldehyde smell permeated everything. Her shoes, her clothes. She couldn’t even shampoo the smell out of her hair at night. Another thing she’d chalked up to life in med school.
      Serge came in, handed her a paper towel, then leaned against the counter where the surgical instruments dried.
       “First year’s the toughest. You’ll get over it. Everyone does, Aimée.” Serge had the beginnings of a beard, thick black hair and myopic eyes behind black-frame glasses. “I was a carabin, too.” A stupid archaic term still used for med students, because their lab uniforms resembled those of les carabines, riflemen in Napoléon’s army.
       “I expected a grind, but backstabbing?” She wanted to spit. “You heard Dr. Fabre. I’m going to fail.”
       “Pah, you’ll make it. It’s all about the exam, no matter what he says. You work hard,” Serge said. “Be patient.”
      Patient, her? It was all she could do to focus. From day one, the competitiveness, that feeling of never measuring up, had dogged her. Every morning she told herself she could do it—couldn’t she? After all, she’d made it into med school.
      Her gaze out the narrow lab window took in the gunmetal sky over the medieval wet courtyard of l’école de médecine. Students bent into the November wind. Nine more years of this if she passed. Maybe ten.
       “You’ll see it’s worth it when you find your calling. I hated my first autopsy, threw up,” said Serge. “Almost left medicine. But the next involved a homicide victim. The policeman asked the attending examiner questions. How he looked at the body for clues to solve the murder fascinated me.” Serge shrugged. “That’s when I learned that the dead talk. I’m learning how to listen.”
       “But it’s the living I’d rather figure out,” she said.
      Serge took off his glasses, wiped them with the hem of his lab coat. “I’ve been accepted into Pathology after my rotation.”
      She smiled, happy for him. “Congrats, Serge.”
      Serge shrugged. “Take a walk. It will clear your head.”
      She hung up her lab coat with LEDUC stitched on the lapel. The old-style thirties script reminded her of the Leduc Detective sign hanging over her father’s office on rue du Louvre. She kicked off her scuffed clogs and stepped into her worn Texan cowboy boots, put on her leather jacket, and shouldered her bag.
       “Aimée, what about your late lunch? We’re heating up the croque-madame.”
       “All yours. Knock yourself out.” She waved at Serge. She’d lost her appetite.
Near the study lounge where everyone hung out between lectures, she looked for tall, blond Florent. They’d met at the study group, almost two months now. She wanted to lean on his shoulder. No, face it—she wanted to do a lot more than that. Crawl under the duvet with him, like the other night. The morning after, brioches in bed, skipping study group to lick off the buttery crumbs. Murmurs of a weekend in Brittany at his aristocratic family’s country home.
      She didn’t see Florent among the loitering undergraduates. Time for a pee.
      After checking the whole row of bathroom stalls, at last she found one with toilet paper and latched the door. The hall door opened—voices, footsteps. The squeal of the faucet.
       “Why didn’t you tell me before? I love clubbing at Queen,” said the nasal voice she recognized as Mimi’s. Florent’s sister was a third year. Tall and big toothed, Mimi reminded her of a horse. Water gushed from the faucet and she heard snickers.
      Aimée flushed, pulled up her agent provocateur tights and headed toward the sinks.
       “I want to go with you, but Florent’s engagement party is this weekend,” said Mimi.
      Aimée blinked. Florent’s engagement party? She and Florent were supposed to be going to ...
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Praise for Murder on the Quai

National Bestseller 
ABA Independent Bestseller

"Who wouldn’t love to catch a glimpse of a favorite sleuth as a blundering amateur? Cara Black lets us do just that in Murder on the Quai, which reveals how Aimée Leduc, her fashionable Parisian private investigator, joined the business founded by her father and grandfather . . . The case is engrossing, complete with Vichy flashbacks, but the most fun are the scenes where Aimée meets her future partners and acquires Miles Davis, her beloved bichon frisé. One caveat: For such a clotheshorse, Aimée doesn’t do nearly enough shopping."
—Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review

"The much-anticipated origin story of how legendary—and legendarily chic—French private investigator Aimée Leduc became the super sleuth she is today."
—Woman's World

"This vivid prequel . . . alternates between Aimée's investigation and violent events in November 1942 in a small village in Vichy France that may be at the root of several killings. As Aimée becomes a target and her father’s trip grows complicated, Black reveals why Aimee chooses to pursue the family business.”

"Fans of Aimée Leduc, the most chic private eye in France—and therefore the world—have already enjoyed 15 of her investigations as imagined by her American creator. Now we go back to Paris, 1989, for a backstory that fills in the details of how she acquired Miles Davis, her bichon frise; René, her supergeek sidekick; and her first Chanel jacket. Charmant."
The Sunday Times (UK)

“Quintessential summer reading . . . The Berlin wall is crumbling, and in a series prequel Parisian medical student Aimée Leduc finds her métier, detecting."
—The Boston Globe

"Paris-based investigator (and fashion plate) Aimee Leduc returns in her 16th atmospheric adventure, this one with a twist. Readers flash back in time to learn how former medical student Aimee became a sleuth in the first place."
—The Sacramento Bee

"Origin stories are almost without exception powerful, and so is this one. It is perhaps one of Black's best and most memorable efforts."
—Mystery Scene

"Cara Black has done her fans a service with an excellent prequel . . . The 1989 setting is used to great effect–Black portrays a moment in French history stunned by the end of the Cold War and torn between past crimes, and historical legacies and future dreams."
—Mystery People Bookstore

"The Aimée Leduc backstory we’ve been waiting for." 
—North Hills 

"Murder on the Quai is suspenseful, emotional and, thanks to its Paris setting, très atmosphérique."

"Finally we have the prequel we’ve been craving . . . A treat for series fans."

"So begins the arc of Aimée's story: the first corpse, the first clue, the first shattered love affair, the first meeting with René, her eventual partner, and the reader's first glimpse of Leduc Detectives."
—Kirkus Reviews

"A first-rate whodunit."
—Kittling Books

"By filling in the character's early years, Cara Black has strengthened the bond between her creation and the many readers who have followed Aimée's development."
—Book Loons

Praise for the New York Times bestselling Aimée Leduc series

"Transcendently, seductively, irresistibly French."
—Alan Furst

"A winning mystery, as stylish and sexy as the city Cara Black knows so well."
—George Pelecanos

"Wry, complex, sophisticated, intensely Parisian . . . One of the very best heroines in crime fiction today."
—Lee Child

"So authentic you can practically smell the fresh baguettes and coffee."
—Val McDermid

"As always, with airfares so high, Black offers armchair travelers a whirlwind trip through the City of Light."
USA Today

"Forever young, forever stylish, forever in love with Paris—forever Aimée."
New York Times Book Review 

“[Cara Black] is on to a good thing: each of her novels is set in a colorful Parisian neighborhood—and there are a lot of them. The cumulative result of reading this addictive series is a sort of mini-tour of the city, as seen through a filter of fictional murder . . . Leduc is always a reliable and charming guide to the city's lesser-known corners.”
—The Seattle Times

“Black creates rich, plausible characters, giving them individuality and depth.”
—San Francisco Gate

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  • ÉditeurSoho Crime
  • Date d'édition2017
  • ISBN 10 1616958081
  • ISBN 13 9781616958084
  • ReliureBroché
  • Nombre de pages352
  • Evaluation vendeur

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Black, Cara
Edité par Soho Crime (2017)
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Black, Cara
Edité par Soho Crime (2017)
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Black, Cara
Edité par Soho Crime (2017)
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Black, Cara
Edité par Soho Crime (2017)
ISBN 10 : 1616958081 ISBN 13 : 9781616958084
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