Articles liés à The Hanging Girl: Department Q 6

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9781784296476: The Hanging Girl: Department Q 6



The Alphabet House


The Keeper of Lost Causes

The Absent One

A Conspiracy of Faith

The Purity of Vengeance

The Marco Effect

An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC

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Copyright © 2014 by Jussi Adler-Olsen and JP/Politikens Hus A/S

Translation copyright 2015 by William Frost

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ISBN [978-0-698-19433-5]

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Dedicated to Vibsen and Elisabeth, two strong women


November 20th, 1997

She saw grey hues everywhere. Flickering shadows and gentle darkness covered her like a blanket and kept her warm.

In a dream, she had left her body, hovering in the air like a bird. No, even better, like a butterfly. Like a multicolored fluttering piece of art, put in the world only to spread happiness and wonder. Like a hovering being high up between heaven and earth whose magic dust could awaken the world to endless love and happiness.

She smiled at the thought. It was so beautiful and pure.

Now the ceaseless darkness above her fought with dim glints like distant stars. It felt good, almost like a pulse conducting the sound of wind and rustling leaves.

She couldn’t move at all but she didn’t want to anyway or she’d wake from the dream, and reality would suddenly kick in, and then the pain would come and who would want that?

Now a myriad of images appeared from life-giving times. Small glimpses of her and her brother hopping out over the sand dunes, parents shouting that they should stop. Stop!

Why was it always stop? Wasn’t it there in the dunes that she’d felt free for the first time?

She smiled as beautiful beams of light slid under her like streams of mareel. Not that she had ever seen the milky sea effect before, but it must be like that. Mareel or liquid gold in deep valleys.

Where was it she’d come to?

Wasn’t it a thought of freedom? Yes, that must be it because she’d never felt as free as she did just now. A butterfly that was simply its own master. Light and inquisitive with beautiful people around who didn’t tell her off. Creative hands in all directions, pushing her forward and only wishing the best for her. Songs that lifted her and which had never been sung before.

She sighed momentarily and smiled. Allowed her thoughts to take her everywhere and nowhere all at once.

Then she remembered school and the bike, the icy cold morning and not least her chattering teeth.

And just in that moment, when reality rushed in, and her heart finally gave up, she also remembered the crack when the car hit her, the sound of bones breaking, the branches of the tree that caught her, the meeting that . . .


Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

“Hey, Carl. Wake up. The telephone is ringing again.”

Carl looked up sleepily at Assad, who was camouflaged like a yellow carnival. When he’d started in the morning, the overalls had been white and his curly hair black, so if there was even a splash of paint on the walls, it would be a miracle.

“You interrupted me right in the middle of a complicated train of thought,” said Carl, reluctantly taking his legs off the table.

“Okay! Sorry!” The wrinkles of a smile appeared under the jungle of Assad’s nine o’clock stubble. What the heck was it his happy round eyes expressed? A hint of irony, perhaps?

“Yeah, I know it was a late one for you yesterday, Carl,” continued Assad. “But Rose goes nuts when you let the telephone ring all the time. So could you please just get it next time?”

Carl turned toward a glaring light from the basement window. A little cigarette smoke should put an end to that problem, he thought, reaching out for the pack and slamming his feet back up on the table as the telephone started ringing again.

Assad pointed at it insistently and slid out the door. It was turning into a hell of a situation with those two loudmouths jabbering at him incessantly.

“Carl,” he said, yawning, with the receiver resting on the table.

“Hello!” came from below.

He took the receiver up to his mouth with his arm languid. “Who am I talking with?”

“Is that Carl Mørck?” said a voice in the lilting dialect of Bornholm.

Definitely not one of the dialects that did it for Carl. It was like bad Swedish with some grammatical errors, and no use anywhere except on the small island in the Baltic.

“Yes, I’m Carl Mørck. Isn’t that what I just said?”

The sound of a sigh came from the other end. It almost sounded like relief.

“This is Christian Habersaat. We met each other a lifetime ago but you probably don’t remember me.”

Habersaat? Carl thought. From Bornholm?

Carl hesitated. “Yeah, I . . .”

“I served at the police station in Nexø when you and a superior were over here some years ago to escort a prisoner to Copenhagen.”

Carl racked his brain. He remembered the prison escort well enough, but Habersaat?

“Oh, right,” he said, reaching over for the cigarettes.

“Yes, sorry for disturbing you but maybe you’ve got time to hear me out? I’ve read that you’ve just solved the complicated case in the circus at Bellahøj. My compliments, although it must feel frustrating when the culprit commits suicide before the trial.”

Carl shrugged. Rose had been frustrated about it but Carl couldn’t give a damn. It was just one less asshole in the world to worry about.

“Okay, but you aren’t calling because of that case, are you?” He lit the cigarette and tilted his neck back. It was only one thirty. Far too early to have used up his daily ration of cigarettes, which meant he should probably increase it.

“Yes and no. I’m calling about that case and everything else that you’ve so impressively solved in the last couple of years. As I said, I serve with the Bornholm Police and am currently sitting in Rønne, but I’m retiring tomorrow, thank God.” He tried to laugh. It sounded forced. “Times have changed, so it’s not very exciting to be me anymore. No doubt we all feel the same, but only ten years ago I was the guy who knew everything about what was happening on most of the central and east coast districts of the island. Yeah, you could say that’s why I’m calling.”

Carl let his head fall. If this guy wanted to convince them to take on a case, he needed to nip this in the bud immediately. He certainly didn’t want to get involved with anything connected to an island where the specialty was smoked herring and which was closer to Poland, Sweden, and Germany than to Denmark.

“Are you calling because you want us to look into something for you? Because if that’s the case, then I’m afraid I’ll need to direct you to our colleagues on one of the floors above us. We’ve got far too much to do down here in Department Q.”

It went quiet on the other end of the line. Then the caller hung up.

Carl stared in bewilderment at the receiver before slamming it down. If the guy was so touchy, then he damn well didn’t deserve any better.

Shaking his head, he’d hardly managed to close his eyes before the stupid thing rang again.

Carl took a deep breath. Some people really needed it hammered home for them.

Yes!” he shouted into the receiver. Maybe that would scare the idiot into hanging up again.

“Er, Carl? Is that you?” It wasn’t the voice he’d expected to hear. He frowned. “Mom, is that you?” he asked tentatively.

“I get really frightened when you holler like that! Do you have a sore throat, sweetie?”

Carl sighed. It had been more than thirty years since he’d left home. Since then he’d dealt with violent criminals, pimps, arsonists, murderers, and rows of bodies in all manner of degrees of decomposition. He’d been shot at. His jaw had been broken as had his wrist, and he’d lost his private life and all the respectable ambitions inherent to anyone from Northern Jutland. It had been thirty years since he flew the nest and finally told himself that he was in charge of his own life. Parents were people you could choose to deal with or ignore as you pleased. So how the hell was it possible that she could make him feel like a baby with just a single sentence?

Carl rubbed his eye and sat up a little in his chair. This was going to be a long, long day.

“No, Mom, I’m okay. We’ve got workmen in, so you can’t hear yourself think.”

“Right, well, I’m calling you with some very sad news.”

Carl pressed his lips together and tried to gauge her tone. Did she sound sad? Was she about to tell him in a second that his dad was dead? After he hadn’t been home to visit them in more than a year?

“Is Dad dead?” he asked.

“Goodness gracious me! Certainly not. He’s sitting here beside me drinking a coffee. He’s just been out to the stable to dock the piglets. No, it’s your cousin Ronny.”

At that, Carl took his legs down from the table.

“Ronny? Dead? How?”

“He collapsed suddenly out in Thailand while having a massage. Isn’t it terrible news on such a beautiful spring day?”

In Thailand, she said, and during a massage. Well, what else could you expect?

Carl searched for an appropriate answer. It wasn’t really something that came naturally to him.

“Terrible, yes,” he managed to say while trying to repress a horrible image of the presumably very comfortable end of his cousin’s bulk.

“Sammy is flying out in the morning to collect him and his things. Best to get everything home before it’s spread to the four winds,” she said. “Sammy is always so practical.”

Carl nodded. There would probably be a thorough appraisal when Ronny’s brother stepped in. The crap in one pile and anything of any worth in the suitcase.

He imagined Ronny’s faithful wife. A stalwart little Thai woman, in fact, who deserved better. But by the time Ronny’s brother had searched through the drawers, there wouldn’t be much left for her other than the boxers with Chinese dragons. That was the way of the world.

“Ronny was married, Mom. I don’t think Sammy can count on just coming and taking what he wants without so much as asking.”

She laughed. “Oh, you know Sammy. It’ll be fine. And he’s going to stay out there for ten to twelve days. You might as well get a bit of color in your cheeks when you’re travelling so far anyway, he says. And he isn’t wrong there. He’s a smart man, Cousin Sammy.”

Carl nodded. The only significant difference between Ronny and his little brother, Sammy, was a single vowel and three consonants. Nobody living north of the Limfjord could miss that they were related because they were like peas in a pod. If there was a film producer in need of a bragging, self-obsessed, absolutely untrustworthy show-off in a garish shirt, at least Sammy was still available.

“They’ve set the date of the funeral for Saturday, May 10th, here in Brønderslev. It’ll be wonderful to see you up here again, son,” continued his mom. While the predictable update of the day-to-day life of a country family from Vendsyssel was rattled off, with particular stress on pig farming mixed with his dad’s dodgy hip, the usual censure of politicians in Parliament and some other similarly depressing talk, Carl was thinking about the unpleasant tone of Ronny’s last e-mail to him.

That e-mail had undoubtedly been meant as a threat, something that had unsettled and frustrated Carl more than he cared to admit. After a while he came to the conclusion that Ronny intended to blackmail him with the nonsense. Wasn’t his cousin exactly the type who would do that? And wasn’t he always short of cash?

Carl didn’t like it. Would he now have to deal with that ridiculous claim again? It was utter drivel. But when you lived in the land of Hans Christian Andersen you knew only too well how quickly a little feather could turn into five hens. And five hens of this sort, in his position of trust and with a boss like Lars Bjørn, was really something he could do without.

Damn it, what had Ronny been up to? On numerous occasions the idiot had blurted out that he’d murdered his dad, which was bad enough in itself. But worse was that he’d dragged Carl into the dirt by publicly declaring that Carl had been an accomplice to murdering Ronny’s dad during a fishing trip, and in the ominous last e-mail had informed Carl that he’d put it in writing as a book and would be attempting to get it published.

Carl hadn’t heard anything since then, but it was a terrible situation that needed to be laid to rest now that the man was dead.

Carl fumbled again for the cigarettes. Without doubt he should go to the funeral. It would be the place to find out if Sammy had been successful in getting Ronny’s wife to surrender some of the inheritance. Similar inheritance cases out east had ended violently, and of course one could hope that might happen again. But Ronny’s wife, little what’s-her-face, seemed to be made from another and better mold. She’d probably keep anything of financial value that belonged to her and give up the rest. And that might include Ronny’s alleged attempt at a literary career.

No, it wouldn’t surprise him at all if Sammy succeeded in getting the notes home with him. And if so, then he’d better get his hands on them first before they made the family rounds.

“Did you know that Ronny was really rich in the end, Carl?” chirped his mother somewhere in the background.

Carl raised his eyebrows. “Really, was he now? We’ll have to assume he was dealing in drugs, then. And you’re sure he didn’t end up with his head in a noose behind the thick prison walls of the Thai justice system?”

She laughed. “Oh, Carl. You’ve always been such a funny child.”

*   *   *

Twenty minutes after the conversation with the Bornholm policeman, Rose stood in the doorway waving away Carl’s tobacco smoke with obvious disgust.

“Have you just spoken with a Sergeant Habersaat, Carl?”

He shrugged. It wasn’t exactly the conversation he was thinking about most just now. God only knew what Ronny had written about him.

“Take a look at this.” She threw a piece of paper on the table in front of him.

“I got this e-mail two minutes ago. You might just want to call the man?”

There were two sentences o...

Revue de presse

Praise for The Hanging Girl

“Adler-Olsen wields a one-two punch of psychological suspense, as his trademark parallel plot follows the remorseless killer’s manipulations while the humorous, sometimes touching rapport between Mørck and Assad threatens to steal the show. A must for procedural devotees and fans of Scandinavian mysteries.”—Booklist (starred review)

“All the requisite Adler-Olsen hallmarks are on display here: the easy camaraderie of the investigative team; great moments of humor; and Mørck’s crotchety disposition. It helps to read the series in order, but these books are so good that it’s no hardship to start at the beginning.”—Bookpage
“An intriguing read for devoted fans.”—Library Journal
“Simultaneously sardonic and funny.”—Sacramento Bee
“This book is not for the faint of heart, but for readers who enjoy dark humor and wisecracking heroes and heroines, you’ll love Department Q.”—Suspense Magazine
“It can be hard to distinguish Scandinavian crime writers—there are a lot of them, and their names have consonant clusters and umlauts and all that jazz—but Jussi Adler-Olsen is a name to know. In a crowded genre, Adler-Olsen is an outlier.”— 

More Praise for Jussi Adler-Olsen's Department Q series

“If you like the dark humor, wisecracking, and layered betrayals of Raymond Chandler, then read Adler-Olsen’s Department Q series.”—Men's Journal

“A tense, pleasurable read.”—USA Today

“[A] sordid tale... inspired by actual events during a dark period of Danish history. Ah, but there is more, so much more in this frenzied thriller.”—The New York Times Book Review

“Adler-Olsen merges story lines...with ingenious aplomb, effortlessly mixing hilarities with horrors...This crime fiction tour de force could only have been devised by an author who can even turn stomach flu into a belly laugh.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“This series has enough twists to captivate contemporary mystery readers and enough substance and background to entertain readers with historical and literary tastes.”—Library Journal (starred review)

“When your series relies on cold cases, it’s not always easy to craft plots that have both historical interest and an air of urgency, but it’s something Adler-Olsen is very good at.”—Booklist

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurQuercus
  • Date d'édition2016
  • ISBN 10 1784296473
  • ISBN 13 9781784296476
  • ReliureBroché
  • Nombre de pages608

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Adler-Olsen, Jussi
Edité par HACHETTE, 2016
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Adler-Olsen, Jussi
Edité par HACHETTE, 2016
ISBN 10 : 1784296473 ISBN 13 : 9781784296476
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

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Adler-Olsen Jussi
Edité par HACHETTE, 2016
ISBN 10 : 1784296473 ISBN 13 : 9781784296476
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Adler-Olsen Jussi
Edité par HACHETTE, 2016
ISBN 10 : 1784296473 ISBN 13 : 9781784296476
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Vendeur : GoldBooks, Denver, CO, Etats-Unis

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Adler-Olsen Jussi
Edité par HACHETTE, 2016
ISBN 10 : 1784296473 ISBN 13 : 9781784296476
Ancien ou d'occasion Paperback

Vendeur : GoldenDragon, Houston, TX, Etats-Unis

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Paperback. Etat : very good. Very Good Copy. Fast Shipment. N° de réf. du vendeur SilverDragon1784296473

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Jussi Adler-Olsen, William Frost
Edité par Quercus, 2016
ISBN 10 : 1784296473 ISBN 13 : 9781784296476
Ancien ou d'occasion Paperback

Vendeur : Book Express (NZ), Wellington, Nouvelle-Zélande

Évaluation du vendeur 4 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 4 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Paperback. Etat : Good. 608 pages. Cover wornIn the middle of his usual hard-won morning nap in the basement of police headquarters, Carl Mørck, head of Department Q, receives a call from a colleague working on the Danish island of Bornholm. Carl is dismissive when he realizes that a new case is being foisted on him, but a few hours later, he receives . N° de réf. du vendeur 2521m

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Jussi Adler Olsen
Edité par Quercus, 2016
ISBN 10 : 1784296473 ISBN 13 : 9781784296476
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

Vendeur : biblion2, Obersulm, Allemagne

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Etat : very good. Taschenbuch. Zustandsangabe altersgemäß. Sofortversand aus Deutschland. Artikel wiegt maximal 500g. Schnitt verfärbt. 593 Seiten. englische Sprache, Seiten leicht verfärbt. N° de réf. du vendeur 5535852 sb

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Adler-Olsen Jussi
Edité par HACHETTE, 2016
ISBN 10 : 1784296473 ISBN 13 : 9781784296476
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Vendeur : Campbell Bookstore, Austin, TX, Etats-Unis

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