Articles liés à West of Sunset

O'Nan, Stewart West of Sunset ISBN 13 : 9781925266092

West of Sunset - Couverture rigide

9781925266092: West of Sunset



That spring he holed up in the Smokies, in a tired resort hotel by the asylum so he could be closer to her. A bout of pneu- monia over Christmas  had provoked  a flare-up of his TB, and he was still recovering. The mountain air was supposed to help. Days he wrote in his bathrobe, drinking Coca-Cola to keep himself going, holding off on the gin till nightfall—a small point of pride—sipping on the dark verandah as couples strolled among the fireflies rising from the golf course. Outside of town, Highland Hospital  crowned  the  ridgeline,  a  spired  Gothic  palace  in  the clouds worthy of a bewitched princess. He couldn’t afford it, as he couldn’t afford the other private clinics they’d tried, but he pleaded poverty and hashed out a discount with the trustees, begging the money from his agent—an onerous form of credit, borrowing against stories he’d yet to imagine.

He had no choice. At Pratt they left her too much alone. She’d strangled herself with a ripped pillowcase, nearly succeeding, the livid band across her windpipe a reminder. One night while she was strapped to her bed, the Archangel Michael appeared, glow- ing, and told her the world would end unless she could move the seven nations to repent. She took to wearing white and memoriz-ing the Bible. In her paintings the faceless damned writhed in fire.



At Highland her new doctor believed in diet and exercise. No cigarettes, no sweets. Every day the patients hiked a prescribed distance, sturdy nurses spurring them on like coaches. She lost weight, her skin tented over her cheekbones, her nose a blade, re- calling that awful year in Paris she whittled her body down trying to remake herself for the ballet. Yet not manic, not frenzied like then, her knees bruised black, feet cracked from practice. After her insulin treatments she was calm, subdued by sheer lack of energy. Instead of sinners she painted flowers, big blowzy blooms just as corrupt. She could sleep now, she said, a mercy he envied. Her cur- sive returned, neat lines running like waves down the page in- stead of the bunched, slanted hand he’d come to dread.

Oh Goofo, every day I think of the warm skin of the sea and how I ruined our eyes for each other. You were angry and shut me in when I wanted the sun. Maybe I was never meant to be a salamander, just this thing they wrap in sheets and feed when the bell rings. I’m sorry I cost you all those cities all those perfect boulevards with their lights burning down around us in the night.

They spoke mostly by letter. Though he could see the hospital from the steps of the town library, he rarely saw her, which made her changes more striking. Dr. Carroll limited their visits, doling them out, like any privilege, by a strict reward system. Weekends they might be allowed a few unscheduled hours together, stroll- ing the grounds, even leaving the mountain for lunch at a diner or in a quiet corner of the hotel restaurant, tooling back up the wind- ing, rhododendron-lined  drive in his roadster to the long sunset view at the top, but the week was reserved for the hard work of recovering herself. The patients woke before dawn, like farmers. At nine they played tennis, at eleven they painted. The idea was to keep her regimented, which he understood, having disciplined himself to write though otherwise his life had lost any semblance of order.

At forty, by a series of setbacks he ascribed to bad luck, he’d become a transient. With Scottie off at her boarding school, he no longer had to keep a house, a relief, since it meant one less expend- iture, except now they had no home to go back to, their most cher- ished possessions given up to musty storage. He’d pared down where he could, and still there was no way he could pay both the hospital and Scottie’s tuition, but—out of misplaced honor or plain delusion—he refused to skimp on his responsibilities. It would be too easy. Every month Zelda’s mother petitioned him to let her come home to Montgomery. She wasn’t ready, if she’d ever be. His hope was that Dr. Carroll would help her get well so he could go to Hollywood and make enough to cover his debts and maybe buy himself time to write the novel he owed Max.



There was interest at Metro, the promise of a thousand a week, but so far Ober couldn’t get them to commit. He had to be honest with Scott, the studio had concerns about his drinking—his own fault for publishing those mea culpas in Esquire. All March he pes- tered Ober for word, assuring him he hadn’t touched a drop, when his bottom drawer was heavy with empties.

With Zelda everything was a test. For their anniversary they were allowed to take a day trip to Chimney Rock. He was to be both husband and chaperone, charged with cataloging her con- duct,  speech  and  intake—observations  he  registered  automat- ically yet resented sharing, as if, after so long in captivity, they had a shred of privacy left. It was a balmy Saturday, the dogwoods frilled with pink, the visitors’ lot busy with gussied-up loved ones toting picnic baskets. Dr. Carroll himself delivered her to the front desk, handing her over to Scott like a doting father.

In her twenties, baby faced and petite, she’d seemed girlish. She’d been an athlete and a dancer, a notorious flirt, her stamina and fearlessness irresistible. Now, just shy of thirty-seven, she was pinched and haggard, cronelike, her smile ruined by a broken tooth. Some well-meaning soul had fixed her hair for the occasion, gathering the unruly honey-blonde mop back into a knitted black snood which sat catlike on one shoulder—a style he’d seen on shopgirls and waitresses but one she would never choose, espe- cially since it made her face even sharper, hawkish. The carmine sundress  was  an  old  favorite,  though  it  had  faded  from  hard washing and hung on her, robelike, the yoke of her collarbone hol- lowed, a sheer scarf knotted like a choker to conceal her throat. When he leaned down to greet her, she turned her face into his, her lips grazing his cheek.



“Thank  you,” she said, pulling  away, as if he’d done her a favor.

“Happy anniversary.”

“Oh, Dodo. Happy anniversary.” It always surprised him to hear her soft Dixie lilt coming from this wizened stranger, as if, hiding somewhere inside, his fresh, wild Zelda still existed.

The doctor congratulated them. “How many years is it?” “Seventeen” she said, looking to Scott to check her math. “Seventeen  years,” he confirmed, nodding, uncertain if this

fact was happy. The number was as illusory as their marriage. As his wife she’d now been hospitalized as long as not, and in fretful moments the question of whether she’d been mad all along and he attracted to that madness unsettled him.

“Enjoy yourselves,” the doctor said.

“We will,” she said, and took Scott’s hand, squeezing it as they walked through the vaulted lobby and into the bright day, relin- quishing it only when he opened the car door and helped her in like a footman.

On her seat rested a present he’d bought at the hotel gift shop. “Dodo, really, you needn’t have.”

As he closed the door, he palmed the knob, silently locking it. “It’s nothing—a token.”

“And here I didn’t get you anything.” She didn’t wait, shuck- ing the paper to reveal a shallow candy box. “If this is what I think it is . . . You devil. You know I can’t resist peanut brittle.”

Pecan brittle.”

“It’s lovely, darling, but I don’t think it’s allowed.” “I promise not to tell.”

“You’ll have to help me then.” “To dispose of the evidence.” “Precisely.”



How quickly they were conspirators, as if it were their natural state. Together, in another age, they’d been famous for their fash- ionable  trespasses,  the  stuff  of  magazine  covers  and  scandal sheets, and perhaps because his fall had been less spectacular, and far less punitive, at times like these a nostalgic guilt pricked him, as if, impossible as it was, he should have saved her.

Leaving the grounds, he had the sensation that they’d escaped. Though he knew it was exactly the wrong attitude to adopt, once they were outside the gates he liked to pretend they were any other couple off on a jaunt. A similar denial applied to his driving. At Princeton he’d been witness to a deadly wreck, and more than once, careering late at night over the darkened roads of Long Is- land or the Riviera, in the hands of stimulated friends, he’d been frightened for his life, with the result that, drunk or sober, he was cautious to a fault, going so slowly that he posed a hazard to oth- ers. Now, instead of guarding their new anonymity, he succeeded in attracting the wrath of everyone stuck behind them.

Another driver held up both hands as he passed, as if to ask what he was doing.

“Get off the road, you old fart!” a young twerp shouted. Scott waved them on.

Beside him, squinting like a sailor, her scarf luffing in the breeze, Zelda sat with one elbow propped atop the door, pointing out the rushing streams and burgeoning pear trees. He broke his concentration on the road to murmur appreciation and steal a glance at the knob, still locked. Once, on a bluff above Cap Ferrat, she’d opened the door as they traversed a curve and stepped out onto the running board before he could stop the car. She laughed like a child playing a naughty trick. She was just angry over a re- mark he’d made to Sara and Gerald about Marion Davies, or so he thought. To his shame, looking back, he couldn’t pinpoint when she’d lost control of herself, or how long it had taken him to notice. Now he watched her closely, knowing from terrible experience that at any second she might lunge across and grab the wheel.

She reclined and closed her eyes, basking. On her neck, peeking





from beneath the thrashing scarf, was a freshly healed scratch the color of raspberry jam. When she caught him looking at her, she stuck out her tongue playfully, then made a point of shifting her body to watch him.

Down in town they had to wait for the sole traffic light. “You look tired,” she said.

“I am.”

“You’re not drinking.”

“I’m not sleeping,” he said.

“Come spend a week with me. It’ll do you wonders.” “Someone in this family has to work.”

“Don’t be a dodo, Dodo. Mama can help.” “Let’s let Mama worry about Mama.”

They turned north, leaving Tryon, climbing into the moun- tains again, the air in the green hollows cool and damp. They saw a sharecropper with a lop-eared mule plowing a hillside, and a skirmish line of wild turkeys, and a groundhog that scurried away as they approached, each diversion making it easier and more of an occasion to be together, as if, in the future, they might remem- ber the day as a happy interlude.

Not wanting to set her off to no purpose, he’d postponed tell- ing her about Hollywood. As with anything delicate, it was a mat- ter of timing. Cowardly or hopeful, he figured it would be safer once she was home. Today was another step toward that goal, and while he remained vigilant for the slightest sign, so far he was pleased.

Equally tricky was the question of when to broach the possi- bility of Scottie coming down after exams. The last time they’d been together, in Virginia Beach, Zelda hadn’t been right and Scot- tie was annoyed and short with her, leading to a blowup on the boardwalk  he foolishly  tried to referee.  Since then he’d had to prod Scottie to write her, both apologizing for the circumstances and trying to instill in her a sense of duty he himself had never felt toward his own mother. That they should reconcile had become a preoccupation, though how he might effect that was a mystery. So





much of his life now was making arrangements, and he’d never been any good at it.

They crested the summit and coasted over the far side. The road was switchbacked, stepping down the mountain, hairpin turns giving on sheer drops. Far below, neatly splitting the valley, lay the thin blue puddle of Lake Lure. They poked along, Zelda soaking in the view. A circus of hawks banked and tilted above the rocky outcrops. He was occupied with keeping the car be- tween the lines and was surprised to find a red park tour bus looming behind them, surging closer and closer till it filled the mirror. The driver swiped his arm sideways across the windshield as if shooing a pesky fly.

Zelda twisted in her seat. “I think he wants you to pull over.” “There’s no room.”

He sped up slightly, convinced of his right to the road. He wouldn’t  be bullied  into doing  something  stupid.  He hunched over the wheel, concentrating, afraid to look back. He was going too fast to slip into the scenic turnoffs, and as the bus hounded them down the curves, brakes juddering, he wondered why, if the passengers were sightseers, they were in such a blasted hurry.

At the base of the mountain the road straightened out, regain-

ing its shoulder. The bus flashed its lights. Still he didn’t yield. “There,”  she  prompted,  pointing  to  a  rustic  country  store

ahead. “Please, darling.”

He braked and veered into the unpaved lot, sliding sideways, raising a cloud of dust that settled around them as the bus roared past, horn blaring.

He shook the back of his open hand at it, a curse they’d learned in Rome. “Ought to have his license taken away.”

Her laughter shocked him—raucous, head tipped back with delight. The gesture seemed false and histrionic, a typical symptom.


“Remember in Westport? You used to say that all the time. Everyone should have their license taken away. And then what happened?”



He’d had his revoked for running their Marmon into a pond on a lark with Ring. Ring, who was as dead as his mother. Those days seemed to belong to another age, another person he’d been— heedless, charmed.

“Thank you for reminding me.”

“I’m sorry, Dodo. You’re so easy to tease.” “Too easy.”

“Ohhh, don’t be cross.”

He wasn’t, not with her. It was humbling how quickly anger turned him into an idiot, and he resolved, as always, not to let his frustrations  get the better  of him—a  pledge  that  seemed  even more timely when, after apologizing, he swung the car past the open door of the log cabin and realized it was a bar, the neon dark- ness inside inviting. Back on the road, neither mentioned it.

At Chimney Rock the sun had brought out the throngs. Along one edge of the lot sat four tour buses parked nose to tail, making it impossible for him to single out the culprit. He found a shady spot on the far side, head-in against a split-rail fence, as if he might hide the car. She waited for him to come around, letting him un- lock the door and help her dismount.

Among the dungareed, overalled tourists swarming the walk- ways they were strangely for...

Revue de presse

Praise for West of Sunset

“O’Nan’s adroitness with atmosphere and period detail makes Fitzgerald’s dreams of creating worthy work, even with his best days behind him, absorbing and poignant.” – The New Yorker

“[The] grim yet undeniably fascinating last act of Fitzgerald’s life is the subject of Stewart O’Nan’s gorgeous new novel. . .West of Sunset is a pretty fine Hollywood novel, too, but it’s an even finer novel about a great writer’s determination to keep trying to do his best work.”—Maureen Corrigan, The Washington Post

“A mesmerizing and haunting novel. . .O’Nan delivers – whole-body – the sensation that you are deep inside a living, breathing, suffering consciousness. . .Another triumph of the novel surfaces in O’Nan’s wily insinuation into Fitzgerald’s creative life, how it breathes through his everyday existence.  Movingly and believingly, the manner in which a writer works – thinks, processes, assimilates, envies – is given life.   And that is ultimately what makes the book so special.”—The Boston Globe
“[An] almost unbearably bittersweet portrait of the once-great novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald’s sad yet glittering final years in Hollywood. . .the repartee gleams with malicious wit.”—USA Today
“Engrossing. . .O’Nan skillfully pulls us into Fitzgerald’s gilded and yet familiar world.  He brings the Hollywood legends to life. By the end, they feel like friends. . .A story well-told about interesting people in interesting times.”—The Chicago Tribune

“There’s a certain romance to the tortured genius mythology, but Stewart O’Nan makes quick work of dispelling it in this beautifully written historical novel which follows Fitzgerald's stint as a screenwriter during the 1930s, captures that era of Hollywood well, offering juicy scenes with Humphrey Bogart, Dorothy Parker, Ernest Hemingway, and other Fitzgerald friends and hangers-on, while lending witty dialogue to his affair with gossip columnist Sheilah Graham, a doomed romance that's worthy of a classic film.”—Entertainment Weekly

“Just as O'Nan succeeded in drawing readers inside the heads of such ordinary people as the elderly widow Emily in Emily, Alone, or Manny DeLeon, the hapless chain-restaurant manager in Last Night at the Lobster, he inhabits Fitzgerald's very being and authentically depicts the writer's fluctuating mind-sets during the final years of his intimate portrayal of a flawed man who never gave up.”—The Philadelphia Inquirer

“O’Nan, an accomplished, award-winning writer who has clearly done his biographical homework, polishes this saga to a seductive sheen, populates it with persuasive incarnations of Dorothy Parker, Humphrey Bogart, Ernest Hemingway, and others, and takes us to a very dark place indeed.”—Elle

West of Sunset is a rich, sometimes heartbreaking journey through the disintegration of an American legend. O’Nan captures the fire and frailty of F. Scott Fitzgerald with an understated grace that would have made Fitzgerald himself stand up and applaud.”—Dennis Lehane
“An achingly nuanced love story and one of the best biographical novels to come along in years.  O’Nan’s great achievement here is in so convincingly inhabiting the character of Scott Fitzgerald and of the people surrounding him during his descent into the clarifying depths of 1930s Hollywood.”—T.C. Boyle
“Our contemporary master Stewart O’Nan – the king of the quotidian – has changed his brush stroke and given us a picture of another American master, F. Scott Fitzgerald, in the last years of his life.  This is an amazing book, book one great writer about another, just an amazement.”—Elizabeth Strout

“O'Nan is an incredibly versatile and charming writer. This novel, which imagines F. Scott Fitzgerald's troubled time in Hollywood (with cameos by Dorothy Parker, Bogie, and Hemingway), takes up (like much of O'Nan's work) that essential conundrum of grace struggling with paucity. One brilliant American writer meditating on another--what's not to love?”—George Saunders
From the Hardcover edition.

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurAllen & Unwin
  • Date d'édition2015
  • ISBN 10 1925266095
  • ISBN 13 9781925266092
  • ReliureRelié
  • Nombre de pages304

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In 1937, F. Scott Fitzgerald was... En savoir plus sur cette édition

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Stewart O'Nan
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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Paperback. Etat : Very Good. In 1937, F. Scott Fitzgerald was a troubled, uncertain man whose literary success was long behind him. In poor health, with his wife consigned to a mental asylum and his finances in ruin, he struggled to make a new start as a screenwriter in Hollywood. The last three years of Fitzgerald's life, often obscured by the legend of his earlier Jazz Age glamour, are the focus of Stewart O'Nan's heartfelt new novel. With flashbacks to key moments from Fitzgerald's past, the story follows him as he arrives on the MGM lot, falls in love with brassy gossip columnist Sheilah Graham, begins work on The Last Tycoon, and tries to maintain a semblance of family life with the absent Zelda and their daughter, Scottie. Fitzgerald's orbit of literary fame and the Golden Age of Hollywood is brought vividly to life through the novel's romantic cast of characters, from Dorothy Parker and Ernest Hemingway to Humphrey Bogart. Written with striking grace and subtlety, this wise and intimate portrait of a man trying his best to hold together a world that's flying apart, if not gone already, is an American masterpiece. The book has been read, but is in excellent condition. Pages are intact and not marred by notes or highlighting. The spine remains undamaged. N° de réf. du vendeur GOR007029607

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Stewart O'Nan
Edité par Allen & Unwin 02/07/2015, 2015
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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Stewart O'Nan
Edité par Allen & Unwin 02/07/2015, 2015
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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ONan, Stewart
Edité par Allen and Unwin, 2015
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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ONan, Stewart
Edité par Allen and Unwin, 2015
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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Vendeur : Greener Books, London, Royaume-Uni

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Stewart O Nan
Edité par Allen & Unwin, 1966
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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Etat : Very Good. A dazzling, intimate and wise novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald's final years. Num Pages: 304 pages. BIC Classification: FA. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 156 x 218 x 27. Weight in Grams: 458. Clean copy with minor shelf wear. 1966. Hardcover. . . . . Books ship from the US and Ireland. N° de réf. du vendeur KCW0000978

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Stewart O?Nan
Edité par Allen & Unwin, 2015
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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Vendeur : Kennys Bookshop and Art Galleries Ltd., Galway, GY, Irlande

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Etat : Very Good. A dazzling, intimate and wise novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald's final years. Num Pages: 304 pages. BIC Classification: FA. Category: (G) General (US: Trade). Dimension: 156 x 218 x 27. Weight in Grams: 458. Clean copy with minor shelf wear. 1966. Hardcover. . . . . N° de réf. du vendeur KCW0000978

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Blanding, Don
Edité par Dodd, Mead., New York., 1966
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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O'Nan, Stewart
Edité par Dodd, Mead., New York., 1966
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Stewart O'Nan
Edité par Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, 2015
ISBN 10 : 1925266095 ISBN 13 : 9781925266092
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Vendeur : Grand Eagle Retail, Wilmington, DE, Etats-Unis

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Hardcover. Etat : new. Hardcover. In 1937, F. Scott Fitzgerald was a troubled, uncertain man whose literary success was long behind him. In poor health, with his wife consigned to a mental asylum and his finances in ruin, he struggled to make a new start as a screenwriter in Hollywood. The last three years of Fitzgerald's life, often obscured by the legend of his earlier Jazz Age glamour, are the focus of Stewart O'Nan's heartfelt new novel. With flashbacks to key moments from Fitzgerald's past, the story follows him as he arrives on the MGM lot, falls in love with brassy gossip columnist Sheilah Graham, begins work on The Last Tycoon, and tries to maintain a semblance of family life with the absent Zelda and their daughter, Scottie. Fitzgerald's orbit of literary fame and the Golden Age of Hollywood is brought vividly to life through the novel's romantic cast of characters, from Dorothy Parker and Ernest Hemingway to Humphrey Bogart. Written with striking grace and subtlety, this wise and intimate portrait of a man trying his best to hold together a world that's flying apart, if not gone already, is an American masterpiece. A dazzling, intimate and wise novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald's final years. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability. N° de réf. du vendeur 9781925266092

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