Articles liés à Incarceron

FISHER, Catherine Incarceron ISBN 13 : 9782266177931

Incarceron - Couverture souple

9782266177931: Incarceron


Chapter 1

Finn had been flung on his face and chained to the stone slabs of the transitway.

His arms, spread wide, were weighted with links so heavy, he could barely drag his wrists off the ground. His ankles were tangled in a slithering mass of metal, bolted through a ring in the pavement. He couldn’t raise his chest to get enough air. He lay exhausted, the stone icy against his cheek.

But the Civicry were coming at last.

He felt them before he heard them; vibrations in the ground, starting tiny and growing until they shivered in his teeth and nerves. Then noises in the darkness, the rumble of migration trucks, the slow hollow clang of wheel rims. Dragging his head around, he shook dirty hair out of his eyes and saw how the parallel grooves in the floor arrowed straight under his body. He was chained directly across the tracks.

Sweat slicked his forehead. Gripping the frosted links with one glove he hauled his chest up and gasped in a breath. The air was acrid and smelled of oil.

It was no use yelling yet. They were too far off and wouldn’t hear him over the clamor of the wheels until they were well into the vast hall. He would have to time it exactly. Too late, and the trucks couldn’t be stopped, and he would be crushed. Desperately, he tried to avoid the other thought. That they might see him and hear him and not even care.


Small, bobbing, handheld lights. Concentrating, he counted nine, eleven, twelve; then counted them again to have a number that was firm, that would stand against the nausea choking his throat.

Nuzzling his face against the torn sleeve for some comfort he thought of Keiro, his grin, the last mocking little slap as he’d checked the lock and stepped back into the dark. He whispered the name, a bitter whisper: “Keiro.”

Vast halls and invisible galleries swallowed it. Fog hung in the metallic air. The trucks clanged and groaned.

He could see people now, trudging. They emerged from the darkness so muffled against the cold, it was hard to tell if they were children or old, bent women. Probably children the aged, if they kept any, would ride on the trams, with the goods. A black-and-white ragged flag draped the leading truck; he could see its design, a heraldic bird with a silver bolt in its beak.

“Stop!” he called. “Look! Down here!”

The grinding of machinery shuddered the floor. It whined in his bones. He clenched his hands as the sheer weight and impetus of the trucks came home to him, the smell of sweat from the massed ranks of men pushing them, the rattle and slither of piled goods. He waited, forcing his terror down, second by second testing his nerve against death, not breathing, not letting himself break, because he was Finn the Starseer, he could do this. Until from nowhere a sweating panic erupted and he heaved himself up and screamed, “Did you hear me! Stop! Stop!

They came on.

The noise was unbearable. Now he howled and kicked and struggled, because the terrible momentum of the loaded trucks would slide relentlessly, loom over him, darken him, crush his bones and body in slow inevitable agony.

Until he remembered the flashlight.

It was tiny but he still had it. Keiro had made sure of that. Dragging the weight of the chain, he rolled and wriggled his hand inside his coat, wrist muscles twisting in spasm. His fingers slid on the slim cold tube.

Vibrations shuddered through his body. He jerked the flashlight out and dropped it and it rolled, just out of reach. He cursed, squirmed, pressed it on with his chin.

Light beamed.

He was gasping with relief, but the trucks still came on. Surely the Civicry could see him. They must be able to see him! The flashlight was a star in the immense rumbling darkness of the hall, and in that moment, through all its stairs and galleries and thousands of labyrinthine chambers he knew Incarceron had sensed his peril, and the crash of the trucks was its harsh amusement, that the Prison watched him and would not interfere.

“I know you can see me!” he screamed.

The wheels were man-high. They shrieked in the grooves; sparks fountained across the paving. A child called, a high shout, and Finn groaned and huddled tight, knowing none of it had worked, knowing it was finished, and then the wail of the brakes hit him, the screech in his bones and fingers.

The wheels loomed. They were high above. They were over him.

They were still.

He couldn’t move. His body was a limp rag of terror. The flashlight illuminated nothing but a fist-thick rivet in an oily flange.

Then, beyond it, a voice demanded, “What’s your name, Prisoner?”

They were gathered in the darkness. He managed to lift his head and saw shapes, hooded.

“Finn. My name’s Finn.” His voice was a whisper; he had to swallow. “I didn’t think you were going to stop . . .”

A grunt. Someone else said, “Looks like Scum to me.”

“No! Please! Please get me up.” They were silent and no one moved, so he took a breath and said tightly, “The Scum raided our Wing. They killed my father and they left me like this for anyone who passed.” He tried to ease the agony in his chest, clenching his fingers on the rusty chain. “Please. I’m begging you.”

Someone came close. The toe of a boot halted next to his eye; dirty, with one patched hole.

“What sort of Scum?”

“The Comitatus. Their leader called himself Jormanric the Winglord.”

The man spat, close to Finn’s ear. “That one! He’s a crazed thug.”

Why was nothing happening? Finn squirmed, desperate. “Please! They may come back!”

“I say we ride over him. Why interfere?”

“Because we’re Civicry, not Scum.” To Finn’s surprise, a woman. He heard the rustle of her silk clothes under the coarse travelcoat. She knelt and he saw her gloved hand tug at the chains. His wrist was bleeding; rust made powdery loops on his grimy skin.

The man said uneasily, “Maestra, listen . . .”

“Get bolt-cutters, Sim. Now.”

Her face was close to Finn’s. “Don’t worry, Finn. I won’t leave you here.”

Painfully, he looked up, saw a woman of about twenty, her hair red, her eyes dark. For a moment he smelled her; a drift of soap and soft wool, a heart-stabbing scent that broke into his memory, into that black locked box inside him. A room. A room with an applewood fire. A cake on a china plate.

The shock must have shown on his face; from the shadow of her hood she looked at him thoughtfully. “You’ll be safe with us.”

Finn stared back. He couldn’t breathe.

A nursery. The walls stone. The hangings rich and red.

A man came hastily and slid the cutter under the chain. “Watch your eyes,” he growled. Finn dropped his head on his sleeve, sensing people crowding around. For a moment he thought one of the fits he dreaded was coming over him; he closed his eyes and felt the familiar dizzying heat sweep his body. He fought it, swallowing saliva, gripping the chains as the massive cutters sheared them open. The memory was fading; the room and the fire, the cake with tiny silver balls on a gold-bordered plate. Even as he tried to keep it, it was gone, and the icy darkness of Incarceron was back, the sour metallic stench of oily wheels.

Links slid and rattled. He heaved himself upright in relief, dragging in deep breaths. The woman took his wrist and turned it over. “This will need dressing.”

He froze. He couldn’t move. Her fingers were cool and clean, and she had touched him on his skin, between the torn sleeve and the glove, and she was looking at the tiny tattoo of the crowned bird.

She frowned. “That’s not a Civicry mark. It looks like . . .”

“What?” He was alert at once. “Like what?”

A rumble miles off in the hall. The chains at his feet slithered. Bending over them the man with the cutters hesitated. “That’s odd. This bolt. It’s loose . . .”

The Maestra stared at the bird. “Like the crystal.”

A shout, behind them.

“What crystal?” Finn said.

“A strange object. We found it.”

“And the bird is the same? You’re sure?”

“Yes.” Distracted, she turned and looked at the bolt. “You weren’t really ”

He had to know about this. He had to keep her alive. He grabbed her and pulled her to the floor. “Get down,” he whispered. And then, angrily, “Don’t you understand? It’s all a trap.”

For a moment her eyes stared into his and he saw their surprise fractured into horror. She jerked out of his grip; with one twist was up and screaming, “Run! Everyone run!” But the grids in the floor were crashing open; arms came out, bodies were heaved up, weapons slammed down on the stone.

Finn moved. He flung the man with the cutters back, kicked the false bolt off, and wriggled out of the chains. Keiro was yelling at him; a cutlass flashed past his head and he threw himself down, rolled, and looked up.

The hall was black with smoke. The Civicry were screaming, racing for the shelter of the vast pillars, but already the Scum were on the wagons, firing indiscriminately, red flashes from the clumsy firelocks turning the hall acrid.

He couldn’t see her. She might be dead, she might be running. Someone shoved him and thrust a weapon into his hand; he thought it was Lis, but the Scum all wore their dark helms and he couldn’t tell.

Then he saw the woman. She was pushing children under the first wagon; a small boy was sobbing and she grabbed him and flung him in front of her. But gas was hissing from the small spheres that fell and cracked like eggs, its sting making Finn’s eyes water. He pulled out his helm and dragged it on, the soaked pads over nose and mouth magnifying his breathing. Through its eye grid the hall was red, the figures clear.

She had a weapon and was firing with it.


It was Keiro, but Finn ignored the shout. He ran for the first truck, dived under it, and grabbed the Maestra’s arm; as she turned he knocked the weapon aside and she screamed in anger and went for his face with her nailed gloves, the spines clawing at his helm. As he dragged her out, the children kicked and struggled with him, and a cascade of foodstuffs was tossed down around them, caught, stowed, slid efficiently into chutes down the grids.

An alarm howled.

Incarceron stirred.

Smooth panels slid aside in the walls; with a click, spotlights of brilliant light stabbed down from the invisible roof, roaming back and forth over the distant floor, picking out the Scum as they scattered like rats, their stark shadows enormous.

“Evacuate!” Keiro yelled.

Finn pushed the woman on. Next to them a running figure was drilled with light and evaporated soundlessly, caught in mid-panic. Children wailed.

The woman turned, breathless with shock, staring back at the remnants of her people. Then Finn dragged her to the chute.

Through the mask his eyes met hers.

“Down there,” he gasped. “Or you’ll die.”

For a moment he almost thought she wouldn’t.

Then she spat at him, snatched herself out of his hands, and jumped into the chute.

A spark of white fire scorched over the stones; instantly, Finn jumped after her.

The chute was of white silk, strong and taut. He slid down it in a breathlessness that tipped him out at the other end onto a pile of stolen furs and bruising metal components.

Already hauled to one side, a weapon at her head, the Maestra watched in scorn.

Finn picked himself up painfully. All around, the Scum were sliding into the tunnel, encumbered with plunder, some hobbling, some barely conscious. Last of all, landing lightly on his feet, came Keiro.

The grids slammed shut.

The chutes fell away.

Dim shapes gasped and coughed and tore off masks.

Keiro removed his slowly, revealing his handsome face smeared with dust. Finn swung on him in fury. “What happened? I was panicked out there! What took you so long?”

Keiro smiled. “Calm down. Aklo couldn’t get the gas to work. You kept them talking well enough.” He looked at the woman. “Why bother with her?”

Finn shrugged, still simmering. “She’s a hostage.”

Keiro raised an eyebrow. “Too much trouble.” He jerked his head at the man holding the weapon; the man snicked back the trigger. The Maestra’s face was white.

“So I don’t get anything extra for risking my life up there.” Finn’s voice was steady. He didn’t move, but Keiro looked over at him. For a moment they stared at each other. Then his oathbrother said coolly, “If she’s what you want.”

“She’s what I want.”

Keiro glanced at the woman again, and shrugged. “No accounting for taste.” He nodded, and the weapon was lowered. Then he slapped Finn on the shoulder, so that a cloud of dust rose from his clothes. “Well done, brother,” he said.

Revue de presse

One of today's best fantasy writers...readers can look forward to a deliciously dark and scary ride (The Independent 2007-04-23)

Complex and richly imagined (New Welsh Review)

Imaginatively drawn and vividly described (School Librarian 2007-12-01)

Catherine Fisher is an artist with words -- a brilliant writer and of fantasty and Incarceron maintains the high standard set by The Oracle and The Snow Walker trilogies...An engrossing, intricate story of an extraordinary journey undertaken by richly imaginative characters (Carousel 2007-07-01)

Complete and believable. The story is wholly engaging and rushes along at a breathless and nail-biting pace with plenty of heroic moments and near misses...A gripping read that should enthral both young and old fantasy fans alike. (Buzz 2007-06-01)

Beautifully imagined and realised...a barnstorming piece of serious fantasy that doesn't put a foot wrong...tense and fast-paced with a real atmosphere of menace (The Bookbag 2007-05-14)

Fisher remains a superb writer (Write Away 2007-05-01)

One of this year's most striking fantasy novels (The Times Online 2007-11-19)

The plotting is intricate and the levels of legend and action are multi-layered...A tense and complicated fantasy adventure (Books For Keeps 2007-07-01)

One novel stands out above all others...thrilling...a modern version of Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast, though given a better plot, people we care about and a prose style honed by decades of writing poetry (The Times 2007-12-08)

Tackled with creativity, courage and originality (New Statesman 2007-11-26)

A riveting book that keeps you turning pages (Wands and Words 2008-02-06)

'One of this year's most striking fantasy novels' (Amanda Craig, The Times)

'A far-future thriller combines riveting adventure and masterful world-building with profound undertones. ... Like the finest chocolate, a rich confection of darkness, subtlety and depth, bittersweet and absolutely satisfying.' (Kirkus)

'a tour de force' (School Library Journal)

'... imaginatively drawn and vividly described. ... an exciting adventure story.' (School Librarian)

'... stands out above all others ... It's imaginative scale and gobsmacking finale make it one of the best fantasy novels written for a long time.' (Times, Amanda Craig)

'a deliciously dark and scary ride.' (Nicholas Tucker, The Independent)

'one of today's best fantasy writers ... a deliciously dark and scary ride.' (Independent)

'... imaginative, rich in texture and vividly realised. Catherine Fisher writes with consummate skill and depth of feeling.' (The Bookseller)

'a smart, complex, engrossing and emotionally involving read.' (Bookshelves of Doom)

'a deep and sophisticated adventure story' (Write Away)

'... a riveting book that keeps you turning pages. There are plenty of plot twists, mysteries, excitement, and secrets to hold your attention from the beginning to the very end. Even things that seem obvious may not be as they seem; there's enough ambiguity to keep you guessing.' (Wands and Worlds)

'This gripping futuristic fantasy has breathless pacing, an intelligent storyline, and superb detail in rendering both of the stagnating environments. ... With some well-timed shocking twists and a killer ending, this is a musthave.' (Booklist)

'... brilliantly realized ... reader attention never flags through this elegant, gritty, often surprising novel.' (The Horn Book magazine)

'Complex and inventive, with numerous and rewarding mysteries, this tale is certain to please.' (Publishers Weekly)

'... a rich, resonant conclusion to the series.'

(Booklist - May 06)

'Vivid, complicated, and thoroughly engrossing, this fast paced adventure keeps readers avidly turning pages until the majestic conclusion.' (Horn Book Review May/June 06)

... an intoxicating world reminiscent of the Arabian Nights. Highly recommended. (The Bookseller)

suspense is constantly built ... rattles along at a dizzying pace ... next volume please. (School Librarian)

A crisp, quick-moving narrative and fully fleshed out characters will keep readers hooked (Publisher's Weekly)

A powerful and very exciting adventure story. (School Library Journal)

'... one of the most skilled and original writers currently working in young adult fantasy' (New Welsh Review)

'Beautifully imagined and realised, this novel of future regression is rich with strong characters, big issues and a compelling plot. It is a barnstorming piece of serious fantasy that doesn't put a foot wrong.' (The Bookbag)

'Catherine Fisher is an artist with words ... An engrossing, intricate story of an extraordinary journey undertaken by richly imaginative characters' (Carousel)

'... wholly engaging and rushes along as a breathless and nail-biting pace ... a gripping read that should enthral both young and old fans' (Buzz)

Oozes a del Toro flick vibe. (SFX Magazine)

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  • ÉditeurPocket Jeunesse
  • Date d'édition2010
  • ISBN 10 2266177931
  • ISBN 13 9782266177931
  • ReliureBroché
  • Nombre de pages498

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Fisher, Catherine
Edité par Distribooks, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

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Catherine Fisher et Cécile Chartres
Edité par Pocket, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
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Catherine Fisher et Cécile Chartres
Edité par Pocket, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Softcover

Vendeur : Ammareal, Morangis, France

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Catherine Fisher et Cécile Chartres
Edité par Pocket, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Softcover

Vendeur : Ammareal, Morangis, France

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Softcover. Etat : Bon. Ancien livre de bibliothèque. Légères traces d'usure sur la couverture. Couverture légèrement déchirée. Salissures sur la tranche. Ammareal reverse jusqu'à 15% du prix net de cet article à des organisations caritatives. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Book Condition: Used, Good. Former library book. Slight signs of wear on the cover. Slightly torn cover. Stains on the edge. Ammareal gives back up to 15% of this item's net price to charity organizations. N° de réf. du vendeur E-921-793

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Catherine Fisher
Edité par Distribooks, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

Vendeur : Books Unplugged, Amherst, NY, Etats-Unis

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Acheter D'occasion

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Catherine Fisher
Edité par 2010, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

Vendeur : ChouetteCoop, Kervignac, France

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Etat : Used: Acceptable. Occasion - Etat Correct - Livre de biblioth?que, tampons pr?sents - Incarceron (2010) - Poche. N° de réf. du vendeur 3203067

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Acheter D'occasion

EUR 4,82
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Catherine Fisher
Edité par Distribooks, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

Vendeur : medimops, Berlin, Allemagne

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Etat : acceptable. Ausreichend/Acceptable: Exemplar mit vollständigem Text und sämtlichen Abbildungen oder Karten. Schmutztitel oder Vorsatz können fehlen. Einband bzw. Schutzumschlag weisen unter Umständen starke Gebrauchsspuren auf. / Describes a book or dust jacket that has the complete text pages (including those with maps or plates) but may lack endpapers, half-title, etc. (which must be noted). Binding, dust jacket (if any), etc may also be worn. N° de réf. du vendeur M02266177931-B

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Acheter D'occasion

EUR 4,20
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Catherine Fisher
Edité par Distribooks, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

Vendeur : medimops, Berlin, Allemagne

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Etat : good. Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present. N° de réf. du vendeur M02266177931-G

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Acheter D'occasion

EUR 4,75
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Frais de port : EUR 9
De Allemagne vers Etats-Unis
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Image d'archives

Catherine Fisher
Edité par Pocket Jeunesse, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

Vendeur : RECYCLIVRE, Paris, France

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Etat : Bon. Attention: Ancien support de bibliothèque, plastifié, étiquettes. Merci, votre achat aide à financer des programmes de lutte contre l'illettrisme. N° de réf. du vendeur 3104202304123CRJ12266177931

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Acheter D'occasion

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Frais de port : EUR 9,99
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Image d'archives

Catherine Fisher
Edité par Distribooks, 2010
ISBN 10 : 2266177931 ISBN 13 : 9782266177931
Ancien ou d'occasion Couverture souple

Vendeur : LeLivreVert, Eysines, France

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Etat : good. Ancien support de bibliothèque.Photo non contractuelle. Envoi rapide et soigné. N° de réf. du vendeur 9782266177931_4222_ZB74

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Acheter D'occasion

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