Articles liés à Iola Leroy

Harper, Frances E. W. Iola Leroy ISBN 13 : 9788132008552

Iola Leroy - Couverture souple

9788132008552: Iola Leroy

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Book by Harper Frances EW

Les informations fournies dans la section « Synopsis » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

Présentation de l'éditeur

A landmark account of the African American experience during the Civil War and its aftermath

First published in 1892, this stirring novel by the great writer and activist Frances Harper tells the story of the young daughter of a wealthy Mississippi planter who travels to the North to attend school, only to be sold into slavery in the South when it is discovered that she has Negro blood. After she is freed by the Union army, she works to reunify her family and embrace her heritage, committing herself to improving the conditions for blacks in America.

Through her fascinating characters-including Iola's brother, who fights at the front in a colored regiment-Harper weaves a vibrant and provocative chronicle of the Civil War and its consequences through African American eyes in this critical contribution to the nation's literature.

Revue de presse

One of the most significant contributions to early Black literature. -Jane Campbell, Belle Lettres

"This edition of Iola Leroy, with Hazel Carby's introduction, is required reading." -Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

"A moving rite of passage story, the 'ordeal of suffering' of an enlightened black girl growing up. . . . A superior book." -Doris Grumbach, National Public Radio

"In an era full of extraordinary black women, Frances Watkins Harper . . . was one of the most extraordinary among them. If she had published nothing else, Iola Leroy would have been sufficient of her to claim a place among the intellectuals of her time." -Nellie McKay, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurTutis Digital Pub
  • Date d'édition2008
  • ISBN 10 8132008553
  • ISBN 13 9788132008552
  • ReliureBroché
  • Nombre de pages440

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