Card Game Books

Card Game Books

Stockport, United Kingdom

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Membre depuis 23 mars 2021

A propos du vendeur

Informations vendeur détaillées

Postal business only.

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Conditions de vente :

I sell internationally. Books sold in the UK will carry a postage and packaging cost of £2.00 per item, with discount for multiple purchases. For overseas customers, the postage and packaging will be charged at cost and agreed with the purchaser before any transaction is completed. Books will be described as accuratley as possible, but minor faults may not be detailed. If any book does not match my description I will refund the cost in full, including return postage.

Conditions de livraison

Packaging will be as secure as befits the book, but always to a standard that will allow it to be delivered without damage. Insurance will not be included, unless the combined value of the book(s) exceeds £50.00. The UK Royal Mail/Parcel Force rates will be used. Unless the customer specifies a different requirement, a £2.00 per item will be charged, based on the Royal Mail/Parcel Force prices prevalent at the time of purchase.