Crow Hop Rare Books

Crow Hop Rare Books

Woodstock, GA, U.S.A.

+1 (404) 394-5885

Membre depuis 11 septembre 2020

Evaluation du vendeur :

Evaluation 5 étoiles, Learn more about seller ratings

Membre d'association :

A propos du vendeur

Specialties and interests include: midcentury Americana, African Americana, popular culture and American social movements (particularly punk and counter culture), archival collections, photography and photo albums, vernacular and manuscript material, and other unusual paper ephemera. Crow Hop Rare Books is a proud member of the Georgia Antiquarian Booksellers Association (GABA), and we abide by the profession s highest ethical standards.

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Membre d'association 

Les membres de ces associations s'engagent à maintenir des normes de qualité supérieure. Ils garantissent l'authenticité de tous les articles proposés à la vente. Ils fournissent des descriptions expertes et détaillées, indiquent tous les défauts importants ainsi que les restaurations, fournissent des prix clairs et précis et font preuve d’équité et d’honnêteté tout au long de la relation commerciale.

Conditions de vente :

All items subject to prior sale. All items guaranteed as described and may be returned for a full refund within 30 days of the estimated delivery date. We extend reciprocal discounts to other dealers. Institutions will be billed according to their needs. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, PayPal, and checks.

Conditions de livraison

Domestic (USPS) Priority shipping recommended; other methods can be accommodated and are billed at cost. Georgia residents will be billed sales tax. Please inquire about International shipping, which is charged at cost.