Dark and Stormy Night Books

Dark and Stormy Night Books

Newburyport, MA, U.S.A.

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

+1 (978) 255-3992

Membre depuis 7 janvier 2005

A propos du vendeur

Now in our eighteenth year, Dark and Stormy Night Books is an online bookstore, selling Rare, Antiquarian and "other interesting finds" to individuals and institutions around the world. Some of our books are now housed among the world's leading libraries and collections. We work to promote the significance of a wide variety of ideas, from whatever era they might originate. We celebrate, and work to preserve, the artistry of the printed page, the handwritten word, and the craftsmanship of the hand-made object in today's virtual, digital world. Sign up for our occasional catalogues/newsletters! Visit our website: darkandstormynightbooks.com

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Fine Binding

Finely Bound Books
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Rare Books

Rare Books
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Returns accepted for full refund if not 100% happy with purchase. Simply contact us before sending

Alasdair Johnson

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All shipments packed securely in boxes.