Open Books is a nonprofit social venture that provides literacy experiences for thousands of readers each year through inspiring programs and creative capitalization of books. We are a 501(c)3 with all proceeds going to our literacy enrichment programs.
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Informations commerciales relatives au vendeur
Open Books, Ltd.
651 W. Lake St., Chicago, IL, 60661, U.S.A.
Conditions de vente :
All items subject to prior sale. Refunds and returns within 30 days of shipment with authorization.
Conditions de livraison :
All orders ship within 2 business days. Most domestic orders shipped with USPS Bound Printed Matter with delivery confirmation, delivery within 2 weeks. Expedited orders ship via USPS Priority Mail. International Orders ship via USPS International Prioriry, delivery between 7-21 business days. Standard intenrational shipping is expedited service.
Informations vendeur détaillées