Richard Beaton

Richard Beaton

24 Highdown Road
Lewes, East Sussex, United Kingdom BN7 1QD

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

Membre depuis 3 janvier 1999

A propos du vendeur

Richard Beaton -- for Victorian Novels. I offer a selection of popular and literary fiction from the period c1820 to c1920 (the Victorian period and a little way beyond), with a scattering of critical and biographical works, etc. Please use the SEARCH facility below to find books by author or title.

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Conditions de vente :

Seller Name: Richard Beaton. Address: 24 Highdown Road, LEWES, BN7 1QD, United Kingdom. Telephone No: 01273 474147. Email address:

In addition to ABE's own secure payment system I also directly accept payment by Visa, Mastercard, Solo, Switch, Paypal, and sterling cheques/UK postal orders.

The condition of all books has been carefully described, noting all significant faults.

If the condition of any book or books does not meet the description, the item may be retu...


Conditions de livraison

Orders usually ship within 2 business days.

All books are packaged in bubblewrap and stiff, double-walled cardboard. We do not use soft "mailing" bags.

Shipping costs are based on books weighing 750 gm. If a book or set of books is heavier and requires extra postage, this fact will be stated in the item description. If you order a heavy book, we will contact you to let you know the amount of extra shipping required; and to ask for your agreement to the additional charge.