Old New York Book Shop, ABAA

Old New York Book Shop, ABAA

660 Spindlewick Drive
Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. 30350

Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

+1 404-386-5194

Membre depuis 9 septembre 1997

Membre d'association :

A propos du vendeur

The Old New York Bookshop was founded in 1971. Long regarded as a very good general used antiquarian book store it became the center of the literary community in the mid seventies and flourished through the early 90s. Today it is no longer located in midtown Atlanta as a physical store but remains online as the same "very good antiquarian bookstore" Though no longer an open store, I can be reached at 404-386-5194 address 660 Spindlewick Drive, Atlanta Ga 30350

Rechercher dans le catalogue de Old New York Book Shop, ABAA

Membre d'association 

Les membres de ces associations s'engagent à maintenir des normes de qualité supérieure. Ils garantissent l'authenticité de tous les articles proposés à la vente. Ils fournissent des descriptions expertes et détaillées, indiquent tous les défauts importants ainsi que les restaurations, fournissent des prix clairs et précis et font preuve d’équité et d’honnêteté tout au long de la relation commerciale.
Catalogues du vendeur

Conditions de vente :

All books are
returnable within ten days if returned in the same condition as sent. All
books are authenticated and described in adherence to the strict code of
ethics and professionalism employed by the Antiquarian Booksellers'
Association of America. Payment should accompany order if you are a
new customer. Current customers will be invoiced with payment due in 30
days. Institutions billed per their requirements. ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO
PRIOR SALE. Books sent via US Postal Service unless other


Conditions de livraison

Shipping costs in the United States is free. Oversea fees are strictly based on cost based on USPS.COM