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  • Image du vendeur pour P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Philippi Melanchthonis illustrata scholiis. 1562 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    EUR 49,19

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1562. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 52, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 52.

  • Image du vendeur pour Partie du premier et quatriesme livre de l'Aeneide de Virgile 1614 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    EUR 49,20

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1614. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 53, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 53.

  • Image du vendeur pour L'Enfer burlesque, ou le Sixiesme de l'Énéide travestie . Et dédiée à Madamoiselle de Chevreuse. Seconde édition, reveuë, corrigée, & augmentée de beaucoup par l'autheur. Le tout accomodé à l'histoire du temps 1649 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1649. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 60, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 60.

  • Image du vendeur pour De la Percussion du coeur par dépression latérale, par le Dr Virgile Veyrat 1899 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    EUR 49,31

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1899. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 68, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 68.

  • Image du vendeur pour In P. Virg. Maronis Moretum scholia, ex praestantissimis quibusque scriptoribus, maxime ex Jo. Ruellii,. lucubrationibus huc transposita, per H. Sussannaeum 1542 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1542. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 68, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 68.

  • Image du vendeur pour La Batrachomyomachie, ou Combat des grenouilles et des rats, poème du cycle homérique, suivi du "Moretum" et de la première églogue de Virgile, traduits en vers français, avec le texte latin en regard de la traduction du "Moretum" et de la 1re églogue, par A. Dethou 1865 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1865. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 81, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 81.

  • Image du vendeur pour Bucolica, cum commento [Hermanni Torrentini] 1493 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Virgile (- av. J.-C). Auteur du texte

    Date d'édition : 2024

    Vendeur : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, Inde

    Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

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    EUR 50,78

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1493. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 85, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 85.

  • Image du vendeur pour Bucolica P. Virgilii Maronis cum verborum contextu, in poetices tyrunculorum sublevamen, per Hermanum Torrentinum, triviali stilo familiariter discussa. - "À la fin" : Impressum Argentine per Joannem Knoblouch, anno. MDX 1510 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1510. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 102, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 102.

  • Image du vendeur pour . Morgarten, drame en 4 actes en vers 1905 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Rossel, Virgile . Auteur du texte

    Date d'édition : 2024

    Vendeur : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, Inde

    Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

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    EUR 50,94

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1905. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 109, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 109.

  • Image du vendeur pour Davel, poème dramatique en 5 actes 1898 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Rossel, Virgile . Auteur du texte

    Date d'édition : 2024

    Vendeur : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, Inde

    Évaluation du vendeur 5 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 5 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

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    EUR 50,97

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1898. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 113, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 113.

  • Image du vendeur pour Les Églogues / de Virgile ; texte original et traduction nouvelle par Marc Lafargue ; imprimées par Harry de Kessler ; bois dessinés et exécutés par Aristide Maillol 1926 [leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1926. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 143, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 143.

  • Image du vendeur pour L'Aenéide de Virgile en vers burlesques. Livre septiesme 1650 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    EUR 53,49

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1650. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 163, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 163.

  • Image du vendeur pour [Le livre des Énéydes compilé par Virgille , lequel a esté translaté de latin en françois] 1483 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    EUR 53,56

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1483. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 172, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 172.

  • Image du vendeur pour Bucolica Vergiliana docte et familiariter exposita a Servio, Donato, Mancinello et Probo nuper addito, cum adnotationibus Beroaldinis et ab Augustino Datho, ab Domitio Calderino atque ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio 1516 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1516. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 180, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 180.

  • Image du vendeur pour Les oeuvres françoises de Joachim Du Bellay,. / rev. et de nouveau augm. de plusieurs poésies non encore auparavant imprimées [par J. de Morel et G. Aubert] 1569 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1569. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 192, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 192.

  • Image du vendeur pour Bucoliche elegantissimamente composte da Bernardo Pulci,. et da Francesco de Arsochi,. et da Hieronymo Benivieni,. et da Jacopo Fiorino de Boninsegni,. 1494 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1494. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 198, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 198.

  • Image du vendeur pour Liber Georgicorum Virgilii cum commento familiari. 1493 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1493. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 203, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 203.

  • Image du vendeur pour Le quatriesme livre de l'Énéide / traduict en vers françoys , par J. D. B. A. [Joachim Du Bellay] 1552 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1552. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 218, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 218.

  • Image du vendeur pour Versions de quelques pièces de Virgile, Tacite et Saluste, avec l'institution de Monseigneur, frère unique du roy. par la damoiselle de Gournay [et M. Bertault, évêque de Séez. Précédé d'un traité sur la poésie, par Mlle de Gournay] 1619 [leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1619. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 224, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 224.

  • Image du vendeur pour Le Proumenoir de Monsieur de Montaigne . Par sa fille d'alliance 1594 [leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1594. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 228, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 228.

  • Image du vendeur pour Virgile goguenard, ou Le douziesme livre de l'Énéide travesty. 1652 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1652. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 236, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 236.

  • Image du vendeur pour Les Quatre premiers livres de l'Énéide de Virgile, translatez de latin en françois par M. Loys Des Masures,. 1552 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1552. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 236, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 236.

  • Image du vendeur pour Virgile de la traduction de M. de Martignac, avec des remarques. Tome I : Contenant les Bucoliques et les Géorgiques 1681 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1681. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 362, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 362.

  • Image du vendeur pour Oeuvres complètes de Virgile. Tome 1 / traduction nouvelle par MM. Villenave et Charpentier [et Amar, Valentin Parisot, Fée] 1831-1835 [leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1831-1835. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 364, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 364.

  • Image du vendeur pour Virgile. L' Enéide / , de la traduction de Mr de Martignac, avec des remarques. 1681 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    EUR 57,60

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1681. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 366, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 366.

  • Image du vendeur pour Virgile. Les Géorgiques / , de la traduction de Mr de Martignac, avec des remarques. 1681 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    EUR 61,58

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1681. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 466, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 466.

  • Image du vendeur pour [Opera :] Bucolica. Georgica. Æneis 1472 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1472. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 476, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 476.

  • Image du vendeur pour P. Virg. Maronis Bucolica. [Georgicon libri quatuor. Aeneidos libri I-XII] 1541 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

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    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1541. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 480, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 480.

  • Image du vendeur pour La Chine et la formation de l'esprit philosophique en France (1640-1740) : thèse pour le doctorat ès lettres / par Virgile Pinot , Université de Paris, Faculté des lettres 1932 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1932. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 484, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 484.

  • Image du vendeur pour Praelectiones theologiae dogmaticae. quas habet in seminario bisuntino Dubillard,. praehabitis et plurimum conferentibus in dogmatica speciali tractatibus theologicis A. R. P. Hilarii Parisiensis,. Prolegomena, tractatus de vera religione et de Christi ecclesia 1884-1885 [Leather Bound] mis en vente par Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd.

    Leather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1884-1885. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 484, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 484.