Edité par Monte-Carlo, Editions du Cap,
Vendeur : Crouch Rare Books, Godalming, Royaume-Uni
EUR 18,55
Autre deviseQuantité disponible : 1 disponible(s)
Ajouter au panierEtat : see description. limited edition for Les Fermiers Generaux, 251pp, publisher's boards with an elegant sueded finish, title gilt on spine and upper board, silk bookmark, attractive format: the Latin extract on the left-hand page with the French and a wood-engraving facing, near fine.
Edité par Editions du Cap, Monte-Carlo sans date
Vendeur : Calepinus, la librairie latin-grec, La Chèvrerie, France
relié. Etat : occasion. Les Eglogues de Virgile avec des bois d'Aristide Maillol, quatrième volume de la collection des Fermiers généraux, est composé en Garamont corps 12. L'impression en a été assurée par l'Imprimerie Nationale de Monaco sur papier bouffant d'Alfa. Exemplaire n°4684. en français Les Fermiers Généraux 249 pages Bon état. Plein toilé vert foncé. Dos insolé. Titre au long du dos gravé or. Plat recto avec texte en croix gravé or. 16 x 21.
Edité par 0
Vendeur : La Fatrasie, Pontoise, France
Couverture souple/livre broché. Etat : Très bon. Maillol, Aristide (illustrateur). Livre VIRGILE. Les Églogues. Orné de bois dessinés et gravés par Aristide Maillol. Monte-Carlo: Éditions du Cap - Les Fermiers Généraux [sans date]. 1 volume in-8, reliure en feutrine verte. Dos légèrement passé. Livre.
Couverture rigide. Etat : bon. RO30373476: Non daté. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos fané, Papier jauni. 247 pages. Tâches en plats et au dos. Couverture velours vert. Exemplaire n°3190/5000 sur papier bouffant d'Alfa. Nombreux dessins gravés sur bois en noir. Texte en français et latin (Voir photo) Signet conservé. Rousseurs. Titre et auteur en doré. . . . Classification Dewey : 870-Littératures des langues italiques. Littérature latine.
Edité par Ganeau fils, 1736
Vendeur : Manubooks01, Chatou, PAR, France
Couverture rigide. Etat : Satisfaisant. AB42 VENDEUR PRO relié, frontispice, 284 pages, usures sur la couverture avant, coins abimés, quelques chocs, intérieur frais avec des trace de crayon, des rousseurs et de légères déchirures, année 1736.
Edité par Paris, Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1906
Vendeur : Antiquariat Lenzen, Düsseldorf, Allemagne
4°. 35 x 24 cm. 65 (4) Seiten auf ungebundenen, gefalteten Bögen. Original-Broschur mit Original-Schutzumschlag mit goldgeprägtem Deckeltitel in Original-Faltmappe mit goldgeprägtem Deckeltitel. Nummer 285 von 280 (gesamt 301) Exemplaren. Monod 11-335. Carteret IV, 403. Einleitung in Französisch, Text in Latein. Durchgehend mit schönen Jugendstil-Vignetten illustriert. Faltmappe stärker fleckig, Innenbezug etwas gebrauchsspurig. Schutzumschlag mit 2 Randeinrissen. Titelblatt und Index mit Bibliotheksstempel "Bibliotheque Antoinienne Quebec" und perforiertem Stempel "O.F.M. (Order of Friars Minor) Quebec", Titelblatt zusätzlich mit kleiner Nummerierung, am Rand schwach fingerfleckig. Blätter teils mit Abklatsch der Illustrationen, nur mit vereinzelten winzigen Fleckchen, ansonsten sehr gutes Exemplar. Number 285 of 280 copies (301 in total). Monod 11-335. Carteret IV, 403. Introduction in Frech, text in Latin. Throughoutly illustrated with vignettes of the Art Nouveau. Original softcover with original dust jacket with gilt embossed title on cover, with loose, folded sheets inside (65 + 4 pages, unbound), in original cloth folder with gilt embossed title on cover. Folder spotted significantly, inside with traces of use. Dust jacket with 2 tears at the margins. Title and index page each with an ink seal "Bibliotheque Antoinienne Quebec" and a perforated mark by "O.F.M. (Order of Friars Minor) Quebec", title page additionally with a small number, slightly fingerstained at the margins. Sheets partly with a poor copy of the oppsite illustration, only rarely with very tiny spots, otherwise fine copy. Sprache: latein.
Edité par Plon-Nourrit, Paris, 1906
Vendeur : L'Angolo del Collezionista di B. Pileri, Rignano Flaminio, RM, Italie
Etat : Buono (Good). Belle cornici floreali in tinta a tutte le pagine, frontespizio, 10 splendide testatine, 10 finalini e 10 titoli illustrati con composizioni a colori di Adolphe Giraldon, il tutto in un bellissimo stile Art Nouveau, incise su legno da Florian. Ed. Plon-Nourrit & Cie - Paris, 1906. Cartella editoriale con ali con fregi e titoli impressi in oro, protetta da sovraccoperta acetata muta, contenente 23 quartine sciolte in carta Japon con barbe. 23x33; pp.65. Giraldon qui inaugura nuovi personaggi e scene disegnati su richiesta della maison Deberny più volte utilizzati successivamente in manifesti pubblicitari. Opera in Tiratura Limitata a 280 esemplari, da 21 a 300, nostro N° 160. Splendido esemplare molto Raro. , Buono (Good).
EUR 739,20
Autre deviseQuantité disponible : 1 disponible(s)
Ajouter au panierReliure signée. In-4 relié, plein maroquin brun, dos lisse richement orné à l'or, filets dorés sur les plats, les contre-plats et les coupes, tête dorée, couverture conservée, RELIURE DE MARTIN, ex-libris de René Baer et ex-libris de Léon Michel, 1 des 280 exemplaires sur Arches, illustrations d'Adolphe Giraldon gravées sur bois en couleurs par Florian, préface par E. Gebhart, texte établi par H. Goelzer ; mors, coiffes et coins très légèrement frottés, bel exemplaire. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande. Giraldon Adolphe.
Edité par Rouen Eustache Hérault 1717, 1717
in-12, basane fauve mouchetée, (16) + 163 pp., 2 gravures hors-texte (reliure de l'époque usée mais solide). Traduction par Monsieur Richer, avocat au Parlement de Normandie. Edition peu courante.
Paris, Plon - Nourrit et C.ie, 1906. In-4° piccolo (33 x 22), pp. (12)+65+(7), frontespizio a colori (titolo latino) con vignetta xilografica, 10 testate xilografiche a colori, 10 medaglioni su fondo colorato; ogni egloga reca poi un titolo impresso a due colori sullo sfondo di serti de vegetali, frutti e motivi architettonici. Ogni pagina del testo inquadrata entro cornice xilografica impressa in tonalità verdina con ornati costituiti da vegetali rampicanti. Il tutto a fogli sciolti entro cartonatura originale color crema con titolo in oro e motivi ornamentali. In astuccio originale di tela di lino con alette; al piatto anteriore lo stesso motivo della copertina impresso in oro. Freschissimo esemplare. (1241) Esemplare della tiratura di 280 esemplari, sui 300 complessivi (es. n. 221) impressa "sur papier à la forme des usines d'Arches". Bellissima edizione di lusso, tra le più raffinate e delicate produzioni francesi nel campo dell'illustrazione "Art Nouveau". L'ispirazione classica suggerì a Adolphe Giraldon(1855-1933), noto pittore illustratore, e a Florian come xilografo, una elegantissima "mise en page"; perfetto equilibrio tra i caratteri, disegnati anch'essi espressamente da Giraldon e fusi da Deberny, l'ornamentazione della pagina, e le xilografie dai delicatissimi colori con paesaggi bucolici. I caratteri fusi su disegno di Giraldon ebbero poi applicazione in altre edizioni di quegli anni. Carteret, IV/p. 403 e III/p. 26: "Cette édition de luxe. a eu un légitime succès, tant par le délicatesse del paysages dessinés par l'artiste que par la façon magistrale dont ils ont été gravés". Monod, 3351.
Paris, Plon - Nourrit et C.ie, 1906. In-4° piccolo (33 x 22), pp. (12)+65+(7), frontespizio a colori (titolo latino) con vignetta xilografica, 10 testate xilografiche a colori, 10 medaglioni su fondo colorato; ogni egloga reca poi un titolo impresso a due colori sullo sfondo di serti de vegetali, frutti e motivi architettonici. Ogni pagina del testo inquadrata entro cornice xilografica impressa in tonalità verdina con ornati costituiti da vegetali rampicanti. Il tutto a fogli sciolti entro cartonatura originale color crema con titolo in oro e motivi ornamentali. In astuccio originale di tela di lino con alette; al piatto anteriore lo stesso motivo della copertina impresso in oro. Freschissimo esemplare. (1241) Esemplare della tiratura di 280 esemplari, sui 300 complessivi (es. n. 221) impressa "sur papier à la forme des usines d'Arches". Bellissima edizione di lusso, tra le più raffinate e delicate produzioni francesi nel campo dell'illustrazione "Art Nouveau". L'ispirazione classica suggerì a Adolphe Giraldon(1855-1933), noto pittore illustratore, e a Florian come xilografo, una elegantissima "mise en page"; perfetto equilibrio tra i caratteri, disegnati anch'essi espressamente da Giraldon e fusi da Deberny, l'ornamentazione della pagina, e le xilografie dai delicatissimi colori con paesaggi bucolici. I caratteri fusi su disegno di Giraldon ebbero poi applicazione in altre edizioni di quegli anni. Carteret, IV/p. 403 e III/p. 26: "Cette édition de luxe. a eu un légitime succès, tant par le délicatesse del paysages dessinés par l'artiste que par la façon magistrale dont ils ont été gravés". Monod, 3351.
un volume, en feuillets libres avec couverture rempliée gauffrée sous portefeuille pleine toile crème grand in-folio Editeur (Editor cloth-bound in-folio) (24 x 34,8 cm), couverture imprimée en relief avec décor et titre dorés rempliée, sous portefeuille d'Editeur orné lui aussi d'une 1ère de couverture imprimée en relief avec décor et titre dorés, Tirage Limité à 301 exemplaires ; 1/280 exemplaires sur papier à la forme des usines d'Arches (N°273), orné de 55 compositions originales par GIRALDON,gravées sur bois en trois couleurs par FLORIAN : soit un titre-frontispice, un portrait, 10 titre ornés, 10 bandeaux, 10 cul-de-lampe et 23 encadrements. Texte en latin, [12]-65-[5] pages, 1906 Paris, Plon-Nourrit et Cie Editeur, Note : Un autre titre avec fig. et encadr. en coul. porte : "P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica".trés RARE. Très bel exemplaire de ce superbe ouvrage typiquement Art Nouveau.en bon état (good condition).
Edité par Paris, plon-Nourrit, 1906.**, 1906
Vendeur : BOOKSELLER - ERIK TONEN BOOKS, Antwerpen, Belgique
Membre d'association : ILAB
EUR 1 092
Autre deviseQuantité disponible : 1 disponible(s)
Ajouter au panierin-folio, 23x36cm, en feuilles dans l'emboitage d' edition Avec illustrations d' Adolphe Giraldon, gravees sur bois en couleurs par lorian, Preface par Emile Gebhart, de l'Academie Francaise, texte etabli par H Goelzer, professeur a l' Universite de Paris,Tres beau livre, fort recherche illustre d'un titre frontispice, d'un portrait de Virgile, de 10 titres ornes, 10 entetes, 10 culs-de-lampe et 23 grands encadrerements vareis, le tout grave sur bois et imprime en couleurs, (jugendstil decoration) Tirage limite a 301 ex.: Un des 280 ex, num, sur papiera la forme des usines d'Arches. 777 g.
Date d'édition : 2024
Langue: français
Vendeur : S N Books World, Delhi, Inde
LeatherBound. Etat : NEW. Leatherbound edition. Condition: New. Leather Binding on Spine and Corners with Golden leaf printing on spine. Bound in genuine leather with Satin ribbon page markers and Spine with raised gilt bands. Pages: 458. A perfect gift for your loved ones. Reprinted from 1859 edition. NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER PARTICULAR VOLUME OR ALL THE VOLUMES YOU CAN CONTACT US. Resized as per current standards. Sewing binding for longer life, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of binding. Pages: 458 FRA Pages: 458.
Date d'édition : 2024
Vendeur : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, Inde
EUR 51,86
Autre deviseQuantité disponible : Plus de 20 disponibles
Ajouter au panierLeather Bound. Etat : New. Language: Multilingual. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1778. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Lang: - Multilingual, Pages: : - 129, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 129.
Date d'édition : 2024
Vendeur : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, Inde
EUR 51,94
Autre deviseQuantité disponible : Plus de 20 disponibles
Ajouter au panierLeather Bound. Etat : New. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1926. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Pages: - 143, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 143.
Date d'édition : 2024
Vendeur : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, Inde
EUR 61,10
Autre deviseQuantité disponible : Plus de 20 disponibles
Ajouter au panierLeather Bound. Etat : New. Language: French. This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2024, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1859. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Lang: - French, Vol: - , Pages: - 458, Print on Demand. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 458.
Date d'édition : 2018
Vendeur : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, Inde
EUR 66,37
Autre deviseQuantité disponible : Plus de 20 disponibles
Ajouter au panierLeather Bound. Etat : New. Language: Latin. {Size: 19.68 x 24.13 cms} This book is available in 5 different Leather color without any extra cost. Explore More Options by Clicking on 'More Images' and Notify Us of Your Choice via Email within 24 hours of placing the order. Presenting an Exquisite Leather-Bound Edition, expertly crafted by the prestigious organization "Rare Biblio" with Original Natural Leather that gracefully adorns the spine and corners. The allure continues with Golden Leaf Printing that adds a touch of elegance, while Hand Embossing on the rounded spine lends an artistic flair. This masterpiece has been meticulously reprinted in 2018, utilizing the invaluable guidance of the original edition published many years ago in 1906. The contents of this book are presented in classic black and white. Its durability is ensured through a meticulous sewing binding technique, enhancing its longevity. Imprinted on top-tier quality paper. A team of professionals has expertly processed each page, delicately preserving its content without alteration. Due to the vintage nature of these books, every page has been manually restored for legibility. However, in certain instances, occasional blurriness, missing segments, or faint black spots might persist. We sincerely hope for your understanding of the challenges we faced with these books. Recognizing their significance for readers seeking insight into our historical treasure, we've diligently restored and reissued them. Our intention is to offer this valuable resource once again. We eagerly await your feedback, hoping that you'll find it appealing and will generously share your thoughts and recommendations. Lang: - Latin, Pages:- 85, Print on Demand. If it is a multi-volume set, then it is only a single volume. Product Disclaimer: Kindly be informed that, owing to the inherent nature of leather as a natural material, minor discolorations or textural variations may be perceptible. Explore the FOLIO EDITION (12x19 Inches): Available Upon Request. 85.