Douglas Stewart Fine Books

Douglas Stewart Fine Books

720 High Street
Armadale, VIC, Australia 3143

+61 (03) 9066 0200

Membre depuis 15 février 2018

Evaluation du vendeur :

Evaluation 4 étoiles, Learn more about seller ratings

Membre d'association :

A propos du vendeur

Informations vendeur détaillées

Douglas Stewart Fine Books Pty. Ltd. is an antiquarian bookseller based in Melbourne, Australia. Our showroom is in High Street, Armadale, a precinct famous for its antique dealers, art galleries and bookshops. We buy and sell books both locally and around the world, working closely with clients to understand their collecting priorities and to source appropriate material. Our clients include libraries, galleries, museums, private collectors and fellow members of the trade. Since 2009 we have also exhibited regularly at leading international book fairs. We publish regular new acquisitions lists, which can also be viewed at

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Membre d'association 

Les membres de ces associations s'engagent à maintenir des normes de qualité supérieure. Ils garantissent l'authenticité de tous les articles proposés à la vente. Ils fournissent des descriptions expertes et détaillées, indiquent tous les défauts importants ainsi que les restaurations, fournissent des prix clairs et précis et font preuve d’équité et d’honnêteté tout au long de la relation commerciale.

Conditions de vente :

Shipping charges apply. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and PayPal. For further information regarding payment options, please visit

Conditions de livraison

Prices quoted on AbeBooks are the average shipment cost of a book. Variation occurs and particularly with large items shipping costs may require adjustment. We aim to ship with efficiency and security at a low price. All items are generously protected and securely packed.