Articles liés à Nelson Mandela: No Easy Walk to Freedom

Nelson Mandela: No Easy Walk to Freedom - Couverture souple

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9780606215893: Nelson Mandela: No Easy Walk to Freedom
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Présentation de l'éditeur

From his humble beginnings in rural South Africa to his tragic death at age 95 in 2013, Nelson Mandela's life is a tale of inspiration and courage. The most up-to-date biography of Nelson Mandela.

This powerful biography provides an in-depth look at Nelson Mandela who grew up in a rural village in South Africa under racist apartheid rule--a regime he ultimately helped overthrow.

Denenberg explores the history of South Africa and its often violent struggle for civil rights, while tracing  Mandela's role in that history. Lawyer, leader of the African National Congress, political prisoner who spent 26 years in jail, president--no one else has had such enormous influence on his fellow South Africans. Even beyond South Africa Nelson Mandela  influenced freedom fighters everywhere.

This latest biography traces Mandela's complete life story.

Revue de presse


"This [is a] vivid and swiftly paced biography....Denenberg's inspirational tone grabs and holds readers....This engrossing book presents strong background information...." --PUBLISHERS WEEKLY

"This text, executed with accuracy and simplicity, includes significant historial events...." --SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL

"'s a forceful biography...shows clearly how and why he rose to prominence...brings Mandela's heroic story up-to-date..." --KIRKUS REVIEWS

"...a wonderful read...admirable achievement..." --PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER

Les informations fournies dans la section « A propos du livre » peuvent faire référence à une autre édition de ce titre.

  • ÉditeurDemco Media
  • Date d'édition2001
  • ISBN 10 0606215891
  • ISBN 13 9780606215893
  • ReliureBroché
  • Evaluation vendeur
    • 3,77 sur 5 étoiles
      318 évaluations de Goodreads

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