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George Stanley is the author of the Adam Sharp series. Stanley, a professor at Cameron University, teaches writing and foreign languages, including Albanian, Zulu, and Xhosa. The author lives in Lawton, OK.
Since 1989, Jared Lee has been entertaining kids with his hysterical illustrations for the Black Lagoon series, which includes The Principal from the Black Lagoon, The School Nurse from the Black Lagoon, and of course the book that started it all, The Teacher from the Black Lagoon. He lives in Lebanon, OH.
Stevie Marsh is off for the summer to learn about computers at Camp Viper. He’s not happy about being in the woods with all the bugs and poison ivy and—yuck!—snakes. But how bad can computer camp be? Then Stevie finds out Camp Viper isn’t a computer camp at all. The vipers at this camp are the kind that slither!
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