Gurra's Books

Gurra's Books

Hemse, Sweden

+46 766294478

Membre depuis 12 avril 2021

Evaluation du vendeur :

Evaluation 5 étoiles, Learn more about seller ratings

A propos du vendeur

Informations vendeur détaillées

Gurra's Books is a private collection of anything from antiquarian books from the 16th century to contemporary paperback crime novels. Mainly in Swedish but also English, French, German, Spanish and other Nordic languages. Specialty areas include Africana, Edgar Allan Poe, gardening.

Rechercher dans le catalogue de Gurra's Books

Conditions de vente :

Conditions de livraison

Please disregard the shipping rate accompanying the individual book description; the system doesn't accommodate the rate principles used by Gurra's Books.
Our shipping rates are based on the actual cost of mail delivery and is calculated for each individual order after an order has been received. There may be reduced shipping or extra charges, but no shipping will be carried out until extra charges have been accepted by the buyer.
Typical shipping rates (below, in euros) are based on weight and size of the package, regardless of the number of items, and will vary depending on the shipment destination.

To Sweden
<250 grams: 7
250-500 grams: 8
500-1000 grams: 10
1000-2000 grams: 14

<250 grams: 10
250-500 grams: 12
500-1000 grams: 18
1000-2000 grams: 22

For shipments heavier than 2000 grams, price upon request.