Spellbinder Books

Spellbinder Books

124 S Main St
Bishop, CA, U.S.A. 93514

Évaluation du vendeur 2 sur 5 étoiles Evaluation 2 étoiles, En savoir plus sur les évaluations des vendeurs

+1 760-873-4511

Membre depuis 11 avril 2022

A propos du vendeur

Informations vendeur détaillées

We are an independent, locally-owned bookstore located in Bishop, California at the foot of the majestic Eastern Sierra Nevada. Our shelves are stocked with thousands of titles, from local favorites to national bestsellers. We carry both used and new books, too! Although we re too small to have every book always in stock, we do our best to carry a wide range of books for all ages and interests.

Le catalogue de ce vendeur est temporairement indisponible. Nous vous invitons à renouveler votre recherche en choisissant un autre vendeur partenaire d'AbeBooks.

Conditions de vente :

Books are sold as described and as priced. We do not accept offers. Photos may be available to show wear and condition. Additional photos may be requested.

Conditions de livraison

Books will be shipped in a bubble mailer or a box if the item(s) will not fit in a bubble mailer.

Books will be shipped Media Mail or First Class, unless the buyer chooses to pay for expedited shipping. Cost of shipping is determined by the United States Post Office's rate. Postage is determined by weight and size of the package. Extra shipping may be requested if the initial shipping charge does not cover the actual cost.

For orders within the US, please allow 7-10 days for your order to arrive. We are located in a rural area and we do not offer overnight or 1-day shipping.

For order outside of the US, packages may be delayed by customs and this is out of our control. We will provide tracking information on all order, domestic or international, as provided to us by the US Post Office.

Insurance will be provided to any orders exceeding $100 USD.